» thirteen

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      Sunlight shimmered onto the reflective floor of IceClan camp. Ravensplash gazed out across the clearing in wonder, standing at the entrance of the warriors' den and watching as the warm yellow light bounced from the ground and danced in the overhanging ice crystals that dangled from tree branches.

       When she'd opened her eyes from sleep several minutes earlier, the rest of the warriors' den had been empty. And now, noting the sun rising over the tall evergreen treetops, Ravensplash saw that it was nearly midday.

      "All cats old enough to walk the snow of the mountain, gather here beneath the Frost Boulder!"

Pebblestar sat proudly atop the boulder at the center of camp, and a mist of breath sprung into the chilly air when he spoke. The silver tabby then flicked his tail and waited patiently for his Clan to gather on the floor below. As Ravensplash made her way reluctantly over, Ebonystride and Palefox snaked past her to take their places at the foot of the enormous rock.

Ravensplash settled at the back of the crowd of cats, wrapping her tail around her paws to keep warm. When the quiet murmuring died down, Pebblestar addressed his Clan, "As you all are aware by now, Ravensplash of LeafClan has joined us as of yesterday. She should be treated respectfully, just as you would any other Clanmate." The tom found her eyes in the sea of cats and gave her a polite nod.

"Objection," Ravensplash ignored the sweep of pain in her jaw as she rose to speak, "I am not your Clanmate. I never will be. LeafClan is my home."

Several cats mumbled their agreement as all heads swung back to Pebblestar. The broad-shouldered leader frowned, "Ravensplash, I know this is difficult for you to accept. But you must try to make a new life here. You're not our prisoner."

She snorted and made her way through the throng of IceClan cats to the base of the Frost Boulder. "If you think I am so weak, so puny minded that I would even consider giving in, you've badly misjudged me."

Pebblestar's eyes flared as a swift breeze ruffled his fur.

"This meeting is over."

The IceClan cats dispersed, leaving Ravensplash alone. Her fur was still bristling and her heart pounded. When am I going to get out of here? Her ears fell against the shape of her head and she let a long sigh travel through her lithe body.


The deputy glanced upwards to be met with Gingerswan's soft smile. He stepped closer and purred, "Your jaw looks better already! Why don't you come to my den for a moment so I can refresh your cobwebs?"

"Fine," Ravensplash grumbled, following the enormous ginger tom across the clearing and into his den. The space seemed larger than last time, and even more inviting. The medicine cat had fashioned several more nests out of moss and feathers, and the herb storage overflowed with vibrant medicines. "You've been busy," she said, parting her jaws in a huge yawn and settling into a bed that was nestled against a rocky wall.

       Gingerswan began sorting through his herbs, picking out fat bundles of cobweb, "Well, it gets pretty lonely around here," he admitted, his eyes sullen, "Especially when I don't have an apprentice to teach."

       Ravensplash set her head on her paws, "Yeah, well, no kit wants to grow up to become a medicine cat. You might be waiting moons for that apprentice."

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