chapter two.

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"You just HAPPENED to bump into Axel Waters?!"

I winced and nodded, trying to drown out her piercing shrieks. This wasn't what I wanted to endure on a Friday night.

"Okay, first of all, way to go, I mean I didn't think you'd have to confidence to even breathe the same air as an attractive man, but secondly, isn't his dad like in the Mafia or something? Oh my God, what if he comes after you? I won't be able to save you, Luke! People say he's killed a man! And he set fire to his ex girlfriend's hair!" Ugh, sometimes she can be so dramatic.

She stood up and started pacing the floor. She was making me nervous. It was just an accident. No big deal, right?

Axel Waters was dangerous, apparently. He was the most popular boy in the school at one point. He was on the football team, his girlfriend was on the cheerleading squad, blah blah blah. And then something just clicked, and he turned his back on his friends, cut off his girlfriend and decided to join a "gang". Some say he's a crack addict, others say he's misunderstood. Aye, po-tay-to, po-tat-o, am I right?

"Kay, you're scaring me. The rumours I'm sure are very  impressive, but I mean, who's to say they're true in the first place? Remember that rumour that you had syphilis back in Ninth? Come here and watch the ending with me." I heaved out a big sigh.

She stopped pacing, huffed and sat next to me. She was still deep in thought. I rolled my eyes and looked at the screen. Yup, Titanic was a classic. But honestly, they could have both fitted on that piece of wood!

As the movie ended, I snuck a glance at Kay. Awh, she looked so cute when she was asleep! I got myself comfortable on the little couch.

Axel wasn't going to kill me, was he? Hm, I did say sorry. I should just stay out of his way from now on.

-*{the next day}*-

"Mr. Johnson? Are you with us?" My English teacher snapped. I looked up, shaking my head. Gosh, why am I so distracted today? This was my favourite class! Oh god, everyone was looking at me now.

"U-uh, s-sorry Miss Hershall." I stammered, hardly getting any words out.

"S-s-stutter." a muscly boy in the fourth row smirked. The whole class started laughing. I looked down and played with my thumbs, my face going as red as a tomato. I had a problem with talking to people, so what?

"ENOUGH! Detention, Mr. James!" Miss Hershall cried, giving me a sad smile. I sighed. I didn't need anyone to feel sorry for me. I mean, I may look like a sad little homosexual on the outside but on the inside I'm basically Beyonce and Mr James in the fourth row will most likely be working for me in the future. Werk it, bitch.

As soon as the bell went for lunch, I ran to meet up with Kay at our usual table. The table was usually only inhabited by me and Kay, but she wasn't there. Shit. I sat down, looking around and pulling out my phone as a distraction to my loneliness.

"Well, if it isn't Stutter Boy."

I rolled my eyes at the nickname. How fucking original. Four boys stood in front of me. Jason, Derek, Paul and Ian. All big, tall muscly jocks who liked to pick on the weak kids, including me. Well, I guess I can see how they combined each of their 40 IQ points to come up with that god-awful nickname.

"Get up." Jason said, smiling maliciously. My eyes darted across the room. Were they really going to beat me up in a crowded cafeteria?! Oh, how classy. Everyone was looking at us, not saying a single thing. Nobody was going to stop them. Where the heck was Kay?! Suddenly, I was lifted up by my collar. I looked up, meeting Jason's glare.

"I said, GET UP!" he roared. I whimpered, closing my eyes. Shit's getting real. I felt a fist collide with my face. I groaned in pain. I was dropped to the floor and they started hitting, kicking, whatever they could do to cause damage. I closed my eyes, wishing for it to be over.

The punching stopped, but the sounds still continued. Wait...what? I opened my eyes.

The four boys were on the floor, groaning. Everyone was crowded around us in a circle. I saw the culprit looking at me with those familiar blue eyes. He bent down towards me.

"You alright?" he looked me up and down with those cold blue eyes, in search of any injuries.

"I-I'm-" I didn't get to reply. He picked me up and carried me bridal style across the cafeteria and out to the car park. Everyone just gaped after us. What the fuck is happening?!

He carried me until we got to his car. A snow white Audi A3. Damn, that car looked hella expensive. I stood there, confused out of my mind. Axel Waters was helping me? After I bumped into his godly Adonis shoulder the other day? I'm not worthy.

"Are you gonna stand there and gawp all day?" He grunted, looking at me. How can he be so scary yet so sexy at the same time?! Is it bad that I'm turned on? I opened my mouth, trying to say something, and then closed it again. I was shit scared. What if he actually did try to kill me? Or rape me? Although I wouldn't mind that, really. Depends on if chicken heads are involved, because that shit creeps me out. I opened the door and got in to the car. Okay, this was getting too weird. I mustered up the courage to ask him where we were going. He stared straight ahead, not once looking at me. "My house. I want to make sure you're okay." He revved up the engine and drove out of the parking lot.


so, there we have it guys! I wanted Axel to be in the story right away.

I wanted to show you pictures of david lambert but i'm on a windows 8 laptop and idk, windows 8 is shit.

ily guys,


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