secrets out

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A/N:  hi guys I know it hasn't been long scince i last updated but i sat in class today and came up with the perfect chapter. hope you like it, love and hugs caitlin xxx

A week. A week scince my beating, A week scince i saw kat walk away crying, A week scince i saw Dom. wait Dom? why am i thinking about him let alone missing him? i barely spoke two words to the dude. I hadn't been to school all week  recovering from john's last beating.  My body was still sore  but the bruises on my face had faded into a light yellow so they can be covered with makeup easily. Sighing i made my descision and got up to  get ready for school. Choosing a long sleved knitted jumper a pair of light blue jeans and a white stappy top to go underneath i made my way over to my nightstand to get my underwear and bra. I had a shower the night before so i just had a wash, brushed my teeth and got dressed.  I covered the bruises on my face and when i was done I didn't realised how late i was till i finally looked at the clock. 7:45. shit i needed to get a move on. slipping on some sandle type shoes and grabbing my back pack i left the house and made my way to school. on my way there i thought about kat and the group, it hurt so much to say those things to her but i coudn't let her in. John would only hurt her to cause me more pain andi could do that to her. and as for Dom, I don't understand him at all or my feelings towards him. ONe minute i'm fucking terrified to the point of me shaking and then I feel like i want to jump on him and kiss him like my life depended on it. i sighed as the school gates came into view and a sudden nervousness worked its way into my stomach. this would be my first full day at a new school and i had already hurt my new friends. most of the time i just want to curl up and die of either embarrasment and guilt. images of my mother flashed through my head but i instantly shook them away. NO you can't think about that not now not ever. 

the first half of the day was boring. I got a lot of glares from kat and her gang it made me shift on the spot  everytime i caught one of them looking at me, I had yet to see Dom and what bothered me wqs the fact that i really wanted to see him, these new feeling that he stired left me feeling so confused. I was walking through the corridor towards the courtyard so i could eat my lunch without being glared at when I caught kats eye, we stared at each other for a long time before she galred at me.  our staring compotition was interupted when someone slammed into my side causing me to wince at the added pressure to my still tender wounds. I Got up and saw formt he corner of my eye kat giving me curious looks. fighting back tears as pain consumed me from my freshly pressed bruises i ran down the hall towards the bathroom. I made sure nobody was in there before i made my way towards the mirrors. I lifted up my shirt and saw that one of the gashes on my stomach had opened up again and a couple of the bruises looked more prominent but other than that the dammage wasn't to bad but the pain was. I winced as i made my way over to one of the stalls in order to get some tissue to clean off my wound. Just as i wet the tissue i heard a gasp from behind me. I spun around so fast i'm supprised i didn't get wiplash. There with her hand over her mouth and eyes wide was kat, staring intently at my stomach. "Ri-" i put my hand up to silence her. "pleae just forget you saw this" i pleaded to her but she shook her head. "How the hell can i ignore this ria, what happened to you" she was almost crying and her voice came out in breathy whispers. I shook my head not realising i was crying untill a tear fell onto my jeans. "Look please just forget it" i was begging now worriedd what she would do if i told her. would she think i was worthless too? would she tell people?. "NO. i am not leaving here nad neither are you untill you tell me who did this and why ypu shouted at me the other day" her voice was strong ndi could tell by her eyes thst she was serious. "Fine but you can't tell anybody okay" I sighed in defeat and pulled down my top. "Who did it Ria?" she asked softly. "My adoptive father john, it was after you guys left but it wasn't the first time he had ever done stuff like this". i looked at the foor afraid of her reaction. I was suppriesed when i felt small arms pull me into a hug, without hesitation i hugged her back glad at the small gesture. "Is that why you were trying to get rid of us?" i nodded not being able to find the words. "Omg we have to tell the guys about this" she tryed to tugg me out the door. "NO, Please. John will know that they know and he wont hesitate to hurt them to punish me, please just keep this to yourself, at least untill i am ready and comfortable to tell others. " she nodded in agreement but i can tell she didn't want to. "Come, one lets go get some lunch and tell the rest of the group that we are friends again" i nodded and smiled at her when she said friends again. i really wanted that and if she kept my secret then she will be safe. so with that sorted we made our way to the Cafeteria arm in arm.

A/N: okay so thi i snot my best chapter but i wanted to update for you guys so there you go. also i wanted to ask if i should do Dom's p.o.v ? would that be good or not please let me know thatnks love and hugs caitlin xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2014 ⏰

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