Chapter 50: Not Herself

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"So what you're saying," Troy said slowly, "is that Edie's not herself. Her reaction is based on faerie magic. So she probably won't just come around to forgiving you."

"Exactly," said Dawn.

"In that case, shouldn't you talk to one of the magic teachers about it? I mean, I only know Djanaea magic. I don't think I can do anything to help you."

"We already talked to Professor Lal," Corrie explained. "She says she'll keep an eye on Leila, but doesn't think she's much of a threat. Don't you know anything about illusions that could help us?"

He shook his head. "I only know my own illusion. Can't you break the illusion the same way you did with me?"

"Well, that's sort of what we're trying to convince Edie to do," said Dawn. "She knows that the four-leaf clovers work on illusions, including glamour. But she has to actually use it."

"There isn't anything else you can use?"

"I think the only things that can penetrate a glamour is either Dawn's Sight or the four-leaf clovers," said Roe.

"I think Professor Lal said something about being able to use a stone with a natural hole in it," said Corrie. "But even if we could find one, we would still have to convince Edie to use it."

"I'm sorry, I can't help. I didn't even know about the clovers—I didn't think there was any way to break the illusion, so I have no more ideas. Maybe I could talk to Edie the next time I see her, though."

"That would be good," Corrie agreed. "Thanks, Troy."

"Sorry I can't be more helpful," he repeated. "I actually have to get to class now, though. I'll see you tomorrow, Corrie."


The rest of the day didn't go any better. Edie continued to not speak to Corrie, and in fact, Corrie hardly saw her—usually they had a couple of hours here and there together in the room before dinner, but apparently Edie was spending that time somewhere else now. She hadn't shown up by the time they usually met for dinner, either. Corrie tried calling her, but the phone kept ringing with no answer. She hoped Edie wasn't with Leila, but what could she do? She didn't even know where to begin looking for them.

Eventually Naomi and Dawn showed up and persuaded her to come to dinner. Roe, Annie, Rico, and Duncan came along as well, but the long table still felt empty without Edie sitting next to her. Corrie dissected the pepperoni and cheese off her pizza and picked at her salad.

"Have any of you seen Edie today?" Dawn asked the table at large.

"I passed her going into the dorm this morning," said Annie, "but she wouldn't say hi to me. Why, you don't think she's gone missing, do you?"

Dawn shook her head. "But she's been giving Corrie the silent treatment all day. And I haven't seen her."

Rico frowned. "That's crazy. You're her best friends. Why is she so mad at you?"

"We don't like her girlfriend," Corrie said, with a glance at Duncan that she hoped was subtle enough to send Rico the message.

"Oh, right," said Rico. "Dawn told me about that. I can't believe she's keeping up with it, though."

"Let's not talk about this," said Roe. "It's not going to do any good, and I want to get my mind off worrying about Edie for a while. Rico, you and Annie are in the same magic class, right?"

"Right, with Professor Rook," said Rico.

"Are you on the Tarot too? I'm finding it really interesting."

"Um, I think so," said Rico, taking a sip of chocolate milk. He turned to Annie. "That's what we're doing tomorrow, isn't it?"

Annie nodded, her fork in her mouth, and had to chew and swallow before she could answer. "That's what's on the syllabus. Remember, Roe, our class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so we don't always move at the same pace as you."

They continued to discuss the differences between the two introductory magic classes for a few minutes, but Corrie's mind had wandered away—the discussion had given her an idea. She waited impatiently for everyone to finish their dinner (and did manage to finish her pizza, albeit piece by piece) so she could get Annie and Rico away from Duncan.

Luckily, Duncan had a paper to finish, so he left while rest of them were putting their jackets on. As soon as they were out of the dining hall, Corrie grabbed Annie's arm and pulled her toward Rico. "I have a question. Well, more of a suggestion. For you guys."

"Something to do with Edie?" Annie asked immediately.

Corrie nodded. "How easy is Professor Rook to talk to?"

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