Chapter 30: Our Road to Happy Ever After

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One Year Later....

"Honey I'm home." Maxie calls out dropping her keys on the side table as she goes through the mail. She sees Licht on her feet and crouches down to pet her cat as a greeting. "Hey buddy. Missed me?" She asks as the cat rubs his head over her hand. Maxie stands up and places the mail on the side table to look for her girlfriend. She walks up to her bedroom to see Amelia on the bed. She smiles as she takes off her shoes and crawl behind the girl. She feels her girlfriend stir, turning towards her before she is greeted by green eyes.

"Hi." Amelia greets sleepily before kissing her.

"Hi. Did I wake you?" Maxie replies when they pull away. She sees Amelia shaking her head as she throws an arm over her waist. "How was your day?" She asks knowing that her girl had an entire week of work.

"Tiring. Glad I'm finally done." Amelia answers her burrowing in her neck. "How was your day?" The girl ask her back, her breath tickling her neck.

"Busy but nothing unbearable." She answers. "Except Lori." She feels the girl shaking as she hears the chuckle.

"What did Lori do this time?" Amelia asks her looking up at her.

"What didn't Lori do." She scoffs good-naturedly. "But now that I'm home and cuddling my girlfriend, I feel better now." She states with a huge grin getting an eye roll from the other girl.

"Charmer." Amelia mutters.

"Glad I can still charm you even after living together for a year." She replies pulling the girl impossibly closer. They lay in silence, simply enjoying each other's company with both thinking how everything that had happened the year before led them here, wrapped around each other. If you ask Maxie; everything she endured to finally be with Amelia is worth it. She's knocked out of her reverie when she hears a stomach growling and she can't help but chuckle when she looks down at her girlfriend who is blushing lightly.

"I fell asleep and I haven't had food for a few hours." Amelia defends herself making her laugh. She kisses her girl's forehead before untangling from her.

"I'll go prepare some food. I'm getting hungry as well." She explains when she sees Amelia pouting. "Rest baby. I know how tired you are." She tells her getting a small nod and she walks out of the room. Licht immediately greets her once she gets to the kitchen and she can't help but pet her cat. "I better get some food ready. Someone's hungry." Maxie says to the cat who meows his agreement. With one last smile to her cat, she turns to the task at hand.

A smile takes over Amelia's face when she sees Maxie moving around the kitchen with Licht watching on the side. She should really be in bed but she can't help following Maxie to the kitchen. Basically, she just can't be away from her girlfriend especially with the week she had. She sits on the bar stool, resting her cheek on one hand as she observes her girl make dinner.

"Okay Licht I have a secret to tell you." She hears Maxie say and it peaks her interest. "I'm going to ask her to marry me but you can't tell her that okay?" The words makes Amelia gasp and it's too late for her to stop it. She sees Maxie swirl around, eyes widening when they lock on her. Amelia herself has her eyes wide and mouth open, she still can't believe Maxie is planning to propose to her. "Oh. I guess it's not a surprise anymore." She watches Maxie rubbing the back of her neck and smiling sheepishly.

"W-what?" Amelia breathes out, still shell-shocked. Maxie turns back to the stove to turn it off before she's in front of her. Maxie takes her hands and holds them to her chest.

"I know it could still be really early to do so but I love you. I'm certain you're the one for me." Maxie tells her and she can hear her girlfriend's heart beating wildly against her hands. "My heart is yours, my soul is yours, I am yours forever and it would be an honor if you would spend the rest of your life with me, as my wife." Maxie finishes but Amelia stays frozen, still can't comprehend what's happening. Her silence was taken the wrong way and Maxie steps back putting some distance between them and effectively snapping her out of her thoughts. "I know it's too early and you don't have to give me an answer." She sees her girlfriend rubbing the back of her neck again, a nervous habit. "You know what, let's just forget I said anything." A nervous chuckle makes her open her mouth but no words come out. "Yeah let's just forget it. Dinner is ready." Maxie gives her a nervous smile and is about to move back to the stove. It's enough for Amelia to command her body to move and she reaches for Maxie's hand, stopping her from going anywhere. Amber eyes are wide as they look at her and up close she can see the nervousness in those orbs. She guides the hand in her grip to her chest, the same way that Maxie did earlier. Amelia smiles at the confusion and intrigue in her girlfriend's face.

"You hear that Maxie?" She waits for the nod before continuing. "My heart beats harder than it does when I'm with you." She starts sighing when she feels the other girl relax. "My heart is yours, my soul is yours. I am forever yours." She smiles despite the tears that had gathered in her eyes and she can see Maxie's unshed tears as well. "I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. As your wife." She replies and before she knows it she's being pulled into a kiss. A kiss filled with love and promises. She can't help but smile breaking the kiss as tears fall down both of their eyes. Maxie wipes her tears away, kissing her cheeks before placing another kiss on her lips. Amelia's heart beats so fast she's sure Maxie can hear it.

"I love you." Maxie whispers, their foreheads resting against each other. Amelia covers her girlfriend's hands, turning her head to kiss each palm before looking back to amber eyes. It still takes her breath away, the way Maxie looks at her. A look that is of pure, unadulterated love.

"I love you too Maxie." She replies leaning in to kiss her girlfriend, or is it fiancee now? Maxie smiles that special smile before pulling slightly away and she watches as the girl gets something out of her pocket. She gasps at the diamond ring in Maxie's hand and her tears fall freely when her left hand is taken.

"Amelia Isabelle Porter, will you marry me?" Maxie proposes, one hand holding her left while the other holds the ring. All she can do is nod enthusiastically.

"YES!" She answers rather loudly, cries more when Maxie slides the ring into her finger. Once it's in place she launches herself to her fiancee who catches her with no problem and she peppered kisses all over her face, muttering the words "I love you, I love you". She pulls back to wipe Maxie's tears that are free falling from her eyes. In that moment Amelia knows she's going to have an amazing life, a life full of love, a life free from all the obligations she was born into and a life of happiness as she locks eyes with her soulmate.

"Do you think I can organize our wedding?" She asks getting a hearty laugh from the girl that she can't help but laugh as well.

"It'll be the best wedding." Maxie tells her between laughs. As the laughter dies down, Amelia runs her hand through raven hair before resting it on Maxie's cheek.

"I love you Mackenzie." She says earnestly.

"I love you too Amelia." Maxie replies. "I can't wait to call you Mrs Carson-Jensen." The girl smiles bashfully and she feigns a shock.

"Who said I'm taking your last name?" She teases and almost laughs at the look on Maxie's face before it turns mischievous.

"I did." Maxie announces, oozing with that familiar confidence she always associated with the girl.

"And what grounds do you have?" She challenges, raising an eyebrow and as she expected her girl faces it head on.

"I proposed." Is the simple answer. It shouldn't really surprise Amelia anymore at how stubborn her soon-to-be-wife, so she shakes her head in defeat and rolls her eyes at the smug smile on Maxie's face.

"You're such a dork." She mutters getting a laugh before arms wrap around her.

"You're marrying this dork." Maxie argues with a wide grin and Amelia can't help but chuckle.

"Somehow I can tell I'll never get bored with such a dork as my wife." She teases lightly but Maxie simply pulls her closer.

"You got that right." Maxie confidently says. "My wife." The girl whispers dreamily that it makes Amelia melt in those arms. "I get to call you my wife soon." She adds. Amelia drops her teasing act to look dreamily at her girl.

"My wife." She whispers just as dreamily taking Maxie's face into her hands. "Soon." They stay like that lock within each other, neither complaining nor moving away. They've been through a lot to be where they are now and they both know they still have a long way to go but they'll always have each other to fall into. As Amelia's green eyes lock into Maxie's amber ones, she's confident they'll get through everything life throws at them. Besides, the road to their happy ever after is just beginning. Amelia is excited to see what life has in store for them. Maxie leans in and kisses her gently, softly and Amelia melts into it.


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