Chapter 21: Be Here With Me

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The cloud gives way to the brightly lit city as the plane slowly descents. Maxie sighs in relief, she can finally get off this plane and stretch her legs. She opens her phone to see the picture of Amelia she set as her lock screen. It was a candid picture of her girlfriend as she prepares breakfast for the two of them. She smiles before keeping her phone and preparing herself as she feels the plane touch the asphalt and cruises to the gate.

Maxie thanks the bellboy as he closes the door after putting the last of her luggage inside. She surveys the room before looking at the city outside her window. She checks her phone to see it was a bit late to call Amelia so she locks her phone and goes to her window. Her mom did well in providing the accommodation but she still feels like nothing can beat the view of her apartment, especially with Amelia smiling at her. She still has 3 hours before her first conference and sleep seems the best option for her if she wants to get her mind ready for a gruelling day.

Time seems to go slowly as she listens to some old guy talk about something she doesn't bother listening. It's pure torture if you ask her to just sit there and try to pay attention to whatever it is these strangers are talking about. She barely stifles a yawn hearing a quiet chuckle on her left. She turns to meet amused hazel eyes looking at her. Maxie clears her throat and feels herself blushing at being caught. From her peripherals she can see the girl leaning towards her.

"Don't worry, I feel the same way." The stranger whispers and she can hear the smile from her tone. "Good news is it's almost done." The girl adds as Maxie literally breathes out in relief. The old man finally finishes his presentation and announces lunch is ready. Maxie quickly stands up and starts walking out of the room. She is joined by the girl as she makes her way to the buffet.

"I hope you don't mind me joining you." The girl says and Maxie simply shakes her head. "The name's Kayla. Nice to meet you..." Kayla trails off waiting for her to answer.

"Maxie." She replies with a smile. She sees Kayla grinning up at her and holding her hand which she shakes. "Nice to meet you." She is surprised when Kayla's arm loops around her own as they continue their path to the buffet table.

"I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends." Kayla tells her and all Maxie can do is let this girl, who she just met today, lead her around the area.

Maxie all but plops down on the bed the moment she arrives in her room. Not bothering with removing her shoes. She is exhausted from all the talk she has to listen to the entire afternoon. She checks her phone and smiles to see a message from her girlfriend. She wasn't able to even check her phone with how busy she has been but now, she can finally call Amelia and talk to her girlfriend. So with that in mind she calls Amelia and waits for the girl to pick up. It doesn't take long for the brown haired girl to pick it up and Maxie smiles when she hears that voice on the other end of the line.

"Hey baby."

"I miss you." She replies as she lies on her back with her phone pressed to her ear. She tries to imagine lying next to Amelia as she closes her eyes. "How are you?" She asks.

"I miss you too. So so much." Amelia tells her. "Aside from missing my girlfriend, I'm okay. How was the first day of the conference?" She can hear shuffling on the other line and knows Amelia must be doing some paperwork.

"Gruelling. I never thought it was possible to wish you can just speed time just so I can get out of the conference much quicker." Maxie whines getting a breathy laugh from Amelia. "I can't wait for this to end."

"I know babe but it's only the first day." Despite not seeing the other girl, she knows she's pouting and it brings a smile to her face.

"Maybe I can just stay for a week." She ponders. "I can just tell my mom it's all talk and I miss my girlfriend already."

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