Meet The Family (chapter 15)

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Taylor’s legs bounced up and down in the front seat of Harry’s car. Her palms sweaty, her stomach in knots. Harry’s family’s house was about an hour away, and they were only fifteen minute from it now. The closer they got the more nervous she became. Ava was in the back seat, her head phones in while she watched Finding Nemo. Harry reached over and grabbed Taylor’s hand. “There’s nothing to be nervous about baby.” He smiled sympathetically at her.

“I’m meeting your family.” She keeping her eyes on the road. “That’s a big deal to me Harry.”

“But they’re going to love you.” He laughed.

“Are you sure?” She asked looking over at him. “What about your mom? You’re her baby. What if she hates me? Is your sister going to be there? What if she doesn’t like me? Is this dress too short?” She said pulling at the dress that was just above her knees. 

“Taylor…” He laughed at her irrational speaking. He learned that she did this when she was nervous. She would talk fast and just ramble for minutes, her legs would bounce, and her hands would fidget. “I am positive they will love you. Please stop worrying.” He said kissing her hand.

“Okay.” She smiled and sighed as he turned down another street. They stayed quiet for the next couple of turns. Ava laughed loudly in the back seat, making Taylor smile. The sound of her laugh had become one of her favorite sounds over the past couple of months. When the pulled into the driveway, Harry’s house came into view. It wasn’t huge, or intimidating, but it was a nice sized house. Outside all the trees were in bloom, and little pink Cherry Blossom peddles covered the front steps. The flowers were freshly planted, the house was perfectly white with black shutters. It seemed perfect to her. She made her way out of the car and just stared up at the house while Harry unbuckled Ava. Harry meet her at the front of the car and grabbed her hand.

“I love you.” He whispered into her ear as Ava bolted up the front steps with her backpack full of clothes on her back. Harry and Taylor followed behind her.

Ava didn’t knock she just ran in “Grandma! Pop! I’m here!” She yelled standing in the foyer. Taylor laughed at her excitement as they made their way inside, Harry closed the door behind them. Taylor took in the home while she stood there. To the left was a set of steps going upstairs and to the left of that was a formal living room. To the right was an actual dining room, with a big table and lots of windows. Straight ahead was what looked like a kitchen.

“There she is!” Taylor heard a voice say. She turned her head to see a small woman with tan skin and dark hair. She wasn’t exactly what Taylor had expected to be honest. Ava leaped into her arms and she twirled her around. “How is my favorite grandbaby?” She asked kissing her cheek.

“Good.” Ava laughed as she placed her back on the ground.

“Oh you’re getting so big!” She said as she took the backpack off Ava’s back.

“I know! I’m almost 6!” She said holding up one full hand and sticking out her thumb with her other hand, showing her the number six.

“Go say hi to Pop, he’s waiting in the back for you.” She smiled as she stroked the top of her head. Ava ran off through the house and out the back door.

She turned back to Harry who finally let go of Taylor’s hand to hug his mom. “Mom.” He smiled hugging her tightly. He was much bigger than her, taller and larger all around. When he hugged her it was almost like she just disappeared.

“Honey.” She said squeezing him tightly one more time before letting go.

“Mom...” He said backing away. He connected his hand with Taylor’s again and gave it a light squeeze. It wasn’t until then that Taylor realized his palms were sweaty too, which meant he was just as nervous as she was. “This is Taylor.” He smiled at her. “Taylor this is my mom.”

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