Romeo (chapter 7)

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Ava’s head laid perfectly on her father’s chest as he carried her up the steps to their apartment. After a long day at the zoo, she was fast asleep. They had planned on getting dinner on the way home but she was asleep before the car even left the zoo. Taylor followed behind them up to their apartment. Harry asked her to follow him, just so he could have a chance to say a proper goodbye. When they made it to the door harry jingled the key into the door with one hand and kicked the door open with his foot.

“Are you coming in?” Harry asked as he turned to close the door.

“I don’t know…maybe I should just go. You have your hands a little full.” Taylor said.

“Come inside and hang out. I’ll be one minute, I just have to put her down and I’ll be right out.” Harry said waiting for her at the open door. Taylor smiled and made her way into his apartment. “I’ll be right back.” Harry smiled as he walked off to Ava’s room.

Taylor looked around at the cozy little apartment. The living room caught her eye. Actually it was the pictures on stone mantel above the fake fireplace that intrigued her. She sauntered over to the fire place and looked at the pictures closer. The first was of Harry holding Ava as a baby. He was cradling her in his arms, looking down at her with a serious look on his face. She took a step forward to examine the next picture. This one was of Ava as a toddler. Harry had his arms open wide, with a big smile on his face. While little Ava looked serious, balancing on one leg, looking as if she was wobbling her first steps to Harry. The picture behind that was the last one on the mantel. In a simple silver frame, this picture was the most recent. Taylor liked this one the most. She reached up and grabbed the picture to look at it closer. It was a close up shot. Ava’s head was thrown back in the midst of a laugh. Harry was looking at her, a big smile on his face, and love in his eyes. They were on a beach the water and the sand glistened in the background. The looks on both of their faces radiated joy and love. You could tell the moment was candid, as if the picture wasn’t meant to be taken in that moment. “That’s my favorite picture.” Harry’s voice rang out from close behind her. Taylor jumped and the frame flopped around in her hands, almost dropping it. She caught it and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” Harry laughed. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s okay. I get scared pretty easily.” Taylor laughed too as she placed the picture back on the mantel. “It’s a beautiful picture.” She said as she turned to face Harry.

“It is.” He smiled. “It’s from last summer. We rent a beach house in South Carolina every summer, with a couple friends of mine from college. One of them is a photographer. We went to the beach one day and he brought his camera and just snapped pictures all day. I have a couple really good ones, but that one’s my favorite.”

“It’s very cute.” She smiled. “And your place is very cozy.”

“Thank you. I think so too.” Harry nodded. “It’s perfect for right now. But eventually I would like to get a house for the future.”

Taylor nodded and looked around once more. “I should probably get going.”

“Why don’t you stay for coffee or tea? We haven’t had dinner yet, I could order something and you could eat here.” He asked.

“I…I just…” Taylor sighed. “I would love to but your daughter is sleeping in the other room. I just don’t want her waking up, seeing me here with you late at night, even if we are just talking.”

Harry was quiet for a second. “Ya know, you’re the only woman I know that’s ever cared about my daughter this much. I really appreciate it.” Taylor couldn’t do anything but smile and blush. Something about the way he looked at her and smiled at her made her heart beat twice as fast. “At least let me walk you to the door.”

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