Promotion (chapter 3)

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It had been a week since their meeting at the soccer field, and now Harry found himself in the school again. He fixed his sports jacket before reaching her door. The room was much louder than last time he was there, packed with kids. Harry made his way to the corner of the room with the rest of the parents. He found himself wondering how he had missed Taylor the past two times he'd picked Ava up, she was hard to miss in the sea of children. He watched as he saw her kneel down to be eye level with Ava. His heart beat quickened for a second. She had the same big warm smile on her face as she placed a gold star sticker on Ava's shirt. His daughter smiled from ear to ear as threw her arms around Taylor's neck in a hug. Taylor laughed and patted her on the head as she stood back up. Harry couldn't take his eyes off of her. It was a weird feeling for him, seeing his daughter with a women.

"DADDY!" Ava yelled leaping into his arms.

Hearing this Taylor turned her head to see Harry standing with the rest of the parents. He picked Ava up but kept his eyes on Taylor. He gave her a smile and a wave, and she did the same before returning to helping kids put on their jackets and backpacks. It was like he was mesmerized by her. He couldn't stop watching her. The way she acting with the kids, how gentle and kind she was to them, made his heart feel warmer.

"Daddy? Daddy?" He heard in his ear snapping him back to reality. "LOOK DADDY!" She said pointing at her shirt. "Miss. Swift made me the gold star student of the day! She said I did really good in math today." His daughter smiled. Her green eyes were sparkling with happiness. Her long blond hair flowed way past her shoulder in beautiful loose ringlets.

"See I told you that extra practice would work." He smiled touching his nose to hers. "I'm proud of you pumpkin."

"Daddy what are you doing here? Where is Gabby?" Ava asked. Gabby was the college aged girl that lived in the apartment next to them, who was also Ava's babysitter.

"Well." Harry said placing Ava on the ground. He got on his knees and fixed her jacket. "Daddy got a promotion today." Harry smiled at his daughter.

"YAY!" She said hugging his neck. "Congratulations on your perpotion." She said innocently. "What does perpotion mean?"

Harry couldn't help let out a big laugh as he zipped her jacket up. "Its promotion, and it means that daddy is going to be picking you up from school now, and eating dinner with you, and putting you to bed."

"Really?!" She said jumping into his arms. He lifted her up and put her hood over her head. He took one last look over at Taylor as she was busy saying goodbye to the last couple students.

As Taylor got the last couple children ready to go Emma walked over and stood beside her. "What the heck is going on?" Emma said as quietly as she could to Taylor.

"What do you mean?" Taylor asked as she slipped a backpack on a little boy. "Bye Jack." She waved as he ran away. Harry caught Taylor's eye, waving goodbye before him and Ava were out the door.

"Mystery dad is Ava's father!" She said as the last student ran out the door. "And he was giving you serious eyes just now." Taylor laughed and shook her head. "Oh my god wait...." Emma said speaking normally now that the kids were gone. "Mr. Styles...THAT'S who your student teacher meeting was with the other day."

"Yes...and..." Taylor said as she sat on her desk talking to Emma.

"AND....What happened?" Emma asked.

"Nothing happened." Taylor laughed. "We talked about Ava."

"How was the wife?" Emma asked.

"No wife." Taylor responded trying not to smile.

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