Parent Teacher Meeting (chapter 1)

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Taylor had been working all day long. It had been one of those hard days that just never seemed to end. Being a first grade teacher wasn't an easy job. Especially when the kids are hyperactive and ready to go home. Once 3:15 came the room started emptying out, until finally it was quite. That day they had done a project with glue and almost every single kid managed to get it on their desks. This was nothing new though, messes were something she was used to. Her assistant teacher Emma got her coat and packed her bag.

"Sorry I have to leave early today Tay." Emma was a young woman right out of college, she was placed to job shadow Taylor's class for almost a year before she herself could be a 1st grade teacher. Even though they were only 2 months into the school year the two had quickly become close friends. Taylor was young herself. At 25 she was the best 1st grade teacher in the school district.

"It's okay! I've got a parent teacher meeting at 4:30 anyways." Taylor smiled over her shoulder at Emma while she washed the glue off her hands in the sink. "You go be with your boyfriend. Tell him I say happy anniversary. Have fun tonight...not too much fun though." She raised her brow at Emma as she began drying off her hands.

"I can't promise anything. See you tomorrow." Emma laughed throwing her purse over her shoulder as she headed out the door.

Taylor shook her head and laughed as she headed to her desk. She let out a sigh happy that the day was almost over. All she had to do was get through one parent teacher meeting, and then she could leave. She looked at who the meeting was with, she scheduled it days ago but had already forgotten. Emma had written it down on her desk calendar. "Mr. and Miss. Styles" it said. Ava immediately popped into her head. She wasn't sure if she had ever seen her dad, and the woman that picked Ava up every day was definitely her babysitter. She was interested to meet her parents. But in the mean time she had homework's to grade, and desks to clean.

She started on the correcting the homework the kids had done. She shook her head at the silly, but painfully adorable mistakes. Part of the reason she loved her job so much. Once papers were corrected she went to the sink and soaked a rag. She placed her phone on the counter, putting on Pandora radio to listen to as she cleaned. As she started wiping the desks down one of her favorite songs popped on. She smiled as she moved to the next desk and sang quietly "Baby you a song you make me wanna roll my windows down and cruuuuise". She let her hips sway to the music a bit and she sang a little louder.

Harry had walked into the school at exactly 4:30. He thought he was going to be late, but was proud of himself when he looked at the clock in the office. "Excuse me?" He asked the woman at the front desk. "Where is Miss. Swift's room?"

"Down the hall and to the left. The last door, it's purple." The woman directed him.

"Thank you." He smiled before leaving the office to make his way down the hall.

All the doors were closed and brightly colored. He felt freakishly tall with the short ceilings. He had been here once or twice before to pick up Ava but that was earlier in the year. When he found out he was being considered for a promotion at his job, he started working later hours and couldn't pick her up anymore. As he made his way down the hall he could hear the music playing faintly from the room with the purple door. He approached the door quietly and stood in the entry way watching the sight before him. She rolled her hips to the music in her blue sundress. Her blond hair fell in lazy waves over her shoulders and back. Her voice was sweet as he heard her sing "We were falling in love in the sweet heart of summer. She hopped on up into the cab of my truck and said, fire it up lets go get this thing stuck."

He couldn't help but smile to himself. He also couldn't help but check her out, something he didn't do often. Her legs were long and slender, but his eyes stopped at her hips. He stopped himself and stood up straight. This was Ava's teacher, he reminded himself. "Good song." He said stepping into the room a bit.

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