Picnic (chapter 9)

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Taylor left the school that night skipping with anticipation. When she made it to the parking lot Harry was leaning against the hood of his car waiting for her to show up. She felt her legs involuntarily speed up as she walked towards his extremely charming smile. Harry met her with a hug, wrapping hers arms around her waist. When they pulled away he gently kissed her lips making every hair on Taylor’s body stand on end.

“So I had an idea…” Harry said as she stood with her arms around his neck.

“Did you?” She questioned trying not to smile like an absolute idiot but completely failing.

“What do you say, instead of going out to dinner, we go over to the deli down the road and grab some sandwiches and chips? And then I thought maybe we could take them down to a lake I know, sort of have a picnic.” He looked into her piercing blue eyes. He didn’t even realize just how much he had missed her until he found her in his arms again. Now he never wanted to let go.

She smiled and nodded. “I love that idea.”

Harry unwrapped his arms from her and then opened her door. She thanked him and settled into his passenger seat.

They made their way to the deli, grabbing two subs, a bag of chips, and a brownie to share later. When they got to the lake Harry parked his car and grabbed the blanket he always keeps in his trunk. They made their way to the edge of the lake and found a nice flat piece of land. The sun was just setting the sky wasn’t completely dark yet. Taylor helped him lay out the blanket before they sat down. The two sat and talked about their weeks. The conversation between them flowed so easily, and before they knew it their sandwiches were gone and it was officially dark. The moon was casted almost directly over them, its reflection shining bright on the lake.

“I loved growing up in Pennsylvania.” Taylor said as the two started talking about their childhoods. “My dad is a stockbroker, my mom was a stay at home mom. My brother and I fought, all the time, now we’re really close. We grew up on a Christmas Tree farm.”

“No you didn’t. A Christmas tree farm?” Harry laughed as he opened up the brownie they got for dessert.

“No I swear I did! There’s not a lot to do in Pennsylvania believe it or not.” She said in her sarcastic tone making Harry laugh.

“So when did you move?” He asked.

“We moved to Tennessee when I was…oh man, I guess I was about 12.” She said taking a small piece of brownie onto her fork. “I love Tennessee though, a lot more than PA.”

When they finished talking about their childhoods, Taylor sat on the blanket and picked up rocks off the ground, skipping them into the water. “Let’s play twenty questions.” She said sitting up straighter facing him.

“Okay.” He laughed. “You start.” He said tossing a rock in the water.

“Okay, what’s your favorite color?” She asked.

Harry laughed. “Whoa hard question.” He said sarcastically. “Green. What’s yours?”

“Red.” She smiled skipping another rock in the water.

“Favorite TV show?” Harrys asked shifting his gaze her way. She looked so beautiful in the moonlight like this. He watched her lips twitch up into a smile as she tosses another rock in the water.

“That’s easy, any of those crime shows. Ya know, Law and Order, CSI kinda stuff.”

“What?!” He laughed.

“Yeah.” She laughed back, finally looking at him. “Why do you seem so surprised?!” She asked feeling a bit offended by his shock.

“I just didn’t peg you as a ‘gruesome crime show watching’ kinda girl.” He shrugged smiling down at her.

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