The sit-down

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Anna's POV
When Emma and I reached home we saw nik standing in the entrance with a pissed off look on his face. "Hey em I'll catch up with you in a little bit" "nik I know your pissed but you have to understand that , that was once my family and I needed to see them after all this tie". "Darling I understand that but what you need to understand is that I will not tolerate you putting your self in danger just because you want to see your family, you are my wife and I love you but right now I can't even look at you" as he walked away from me I realized how much I had hurt him and there was nothing that I could do to make it up to him. I sat down on the couch and put my hands through my hair when I heard someone enter the living room. I looked up and say that it was Elijah "you know anna this is the first time I've seen my brother like this you've really done a number on him" "Elijah I didn't mean to put myself in any danger I just wanted to see Jeremy I wanted him to know that I was ok and he didn't need t worry and more, everything just went to hell when you called and I was ganna leave but the look on his face. it broke my heart" I broke down in tears because I knew that he would never talk to me again with elena filling his head up with lies.

Damon's pov

As soon as they left the house i knew that everyone was in a state of shock so i took it upon my self to break the tenson in the room, i turned my head and looked at stefan " i told you that there was something fishy about that girl, she comes back after how many years an just around the time klaus is known to make his first apperince, you should trust my instincs more saint stefan im usually always right when i know that someone is bad and wants to harm elena" "alright damon you may have been right in some of the other cases but you dont know anna and you dont know whats really ging on you should have let her stay istead of trying to attack her then maybe we would have more information" bonnie said " your right boonie i shouldve let her stay and maybe we would all be dead an elena would be on her way to klaus right now as we speak". All of a sudden a ping came throught the now quite room i saw jeremy take out his phone and open it get up and leave but before he could make it to the front door i vamp sped infront of him"were do you think your going little gilbert" " im going to meet with anna so that we could talk and she could given me the real explanition on why shes back after all this time instead of sitting here with you guys talking bad about my sister" "No jer your not going " elena yelled before i had time to react i was staked in my stomach causing me to fall over in pain allowing jeremy to run past me and into the car once i pulled the stake out of my stomache i saw evryone standing there "well what are we still doing here lets go and follow him there is no telling what could happen to him when hes alone with her".

Anna's pov
As nik walked out the room I could feel my heart breaking because I know that he only wants what's best for me and putting my self in danger is the last thing he wanted . I took out my phone and looked through my contact list for Jer's numbed when I found it I texted him " Hey it's Anna meet me at the grill and we can talk I know you have a lot of questions and I plan on answering them all"  I got up from the chair I was sitting and and made my way to the front door when a whooshing sound stopped me " Anna where are you going , you just got in trouble with nik and your going out again" " em im going to the grill to talk to Jeremy you may come if you like and I know that if you come lijah will not be to far away but I need to talk to him"

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