Penguin-free Meal #4 - Scream

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[Guys please be aware that unlike the Halloween Events, this is an AU special that should just be treated as fun, like the normal meal chapters in this book :D After all, its a bit of a crack fic like the meal chapters anyways. You all have DarthWaffle2332 to thank for me actually writing this xD We talked about this earlier in the year and she insisted I write this for Thanksgiving xD Hope you all enjoy the random fun even though it might be a bit early for you guys xD]

If there was anything more bizarre than being taught by an Octopus-like Teacher who could move at Mach Speeds, Amaya didn't believe them possible.

At least, not until now, in any case.

It was November 23rd, just over three weeks since that painful Halloween fiasco that led Amaya to practically flipping out in anger at the majority of her female classmates, had Karma not intervened. She had not quite let that whole incident go, even though Karma had told her she really should.

The Evil Incarnate had disappeared somewhere around fourth period, presumably to skip class like he was known to do, and Amaya was sorely tempted to follow suit, had Koro-sensei not made a point of including her in group assignments with everyone else.

It had been exceedingly suspicious, though the only time Amaya could really pin down that the octopus was up to something was right at the end of the day.

'Amaya-san, you will be accompanying Sensei on a special expedition, this evening!' The Octopus announced just as Amaya had tugged on her shoes in the foyer.

No negotiations, no pause for consideration.

There was practically nothing that Amaya could say or do when the Octopus had started issuing plans and observations.

And before she could have escaped out the back door of the building, the Octopus had snatched her up and proceeded to whisk her away.

'You're more world-travelled than the bulk of your Classmates, Amaya-san, but Sensei can't help but feel your experiences outside of Tokyo have placed on you a severe aversion to broadening your future horizons!' Koro-sensei surmised as he flew right over the city to leave the country. 'You have been in Russia and in Germany, and you have also been to Okinawa. All of these visitations have been overshadowed by misfortune, so it's time for you to experience what another country is like happily while we have the opportunity!'

Amaya didn't even attempt to comment on that Sonic-Ninja movie he had kidnapped her for, she probably wouldn't, even if she wasn't in the process of trying to cover her eyes as the ocean whirled past beneath them.

While they were in Hawaii at the time, she had only set foot in one building. He probably didn't count that as truly experiencing another country.

The route he had taken her ended up being rather similar to Hawaii, though Hawaii wasn't their destination.

Skyscrapers and buildings a little different to what Tokyo had were the first that Amaya found herself greeted with once Koro-sensei had landed safely upon the roof of a department building.

'Amaya-san, welcome to Boston, Capital of Massachusetts in the United States.' Koro-sensei announced with a rather smug gleam in his expression. 'We are currently within walking distance of the Museum of Fine Arts, and for here in the United States, it is currently the morning of Thanksgiving. Just a little after 9am, in fact. While that does mean it's a holiday, there's still plenty to see by walking the streets!'

'Yeah, can I go home, now?' Amaya asked.

'But we've only just got here, Amaya-san!' Koro-sensei gasped out in horror.

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