Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Wake Up!

            Someone threw open the curtains in my room. I rolled over and buried myself deeper into the warm sheets. The person left. Before he left, he said “You got five minutes to get up before we send him.” The door creaked closed along with my eyes. Not long after, the door opened again.

            “Geki-kun!!!!” An energetic man said. The sound of quick footsteps was followed by my bed shaking violently. “Geki-kun! You got to get up!!” Tobi started to shake the bed even more than before, if even possible. I grumbled something under my breath and he stopped. Tobi asked what I said. I lifted my head and slowly looked at him.

            “Tobi… I am going to kill you!!” I yelled as I ran after him. He yelled and screamed for help. Everyone stood in their doorways, laughing to the point their faces were blue. We had busted into the living room before I got him on the ground. Not long after, Tobi was crying, begging for air. This only made me pull tighter. Kakuzu and Hidan took his time pulling me off Tobi. Not only was I sad because I could not kill Tobi but also because I forgot to pull his mask off. With a huff, I walked into the kitchen.

            Itachi stood next to the toaster waiting for his toast to pop up. His cold eyes followed me as I made my way to the refrigerator. The one thing I hate about that smug man is that he thinks he needs to be the center of attention. Now I know why Sasuke wants him dead. Opening the fridge I learned all of the man-whores had drank all of the milk and ate all of the pizza. I slammed the door shut and went to the alcohol cabinet. Itachi stepped and block me.

            “We may be an evil group of villains but we do stop our members, who are under twenty ie you and Deidara, from drinking alcoholic beverages.” He seemed so content for telling me I could not have and vodka. Can you guess what I did? If you guessed that I would throw him at the toaster and take the bottle of vodka anyway, then you are wrong.

            “Come now, Itachi. Higeki is a full blood demon and I will not get mad at her for killing you.” Leader-san said as he walked into the room. He moved Itachi out of the way and handed me the bottle. I stuck my tongue out at him and went to the living room. Hidan had reacquainted himself with the couch. His violet eyes meet mine as I walked over to the couch he was on. Some could argue saying Hidan and I were a couple. I am not going to say Hidan is not handsome, but he is, like, my best guy friend.

            I laid down with my head in his lap. He was the only one that knows that, even though it has been three years, I still missed Sasuke enough to cry. He gently stroked my hair and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

           “You wanna share some of that? Leader-san doesn’t give me vodka in the morning.” I giggled and curled up with the bottle so he would literally have to pry it out of my grip. Being the man he was, he just gave up and went back to watching TV. After a while, Leader-san came back into the living room.

            “Hidan, Kakuzu, Higeki. You three have a mission.” He threw Hidan the mission scroll. “Hurry up and get it done and get back here. Avoid and fight that may involve the Leaf and or one of Orochimaru’s goons.” We left the room to pack. Maybe today will be a good day.

            I slowly opened my eyes. The only downfall to being with Orochimaru is that there are no windows in any of the rooms. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My bedroom door opened reveling Kabuto holding a candle to his face. If he wasn’t creepy enough, the candlelight made his glasses shine to the point you could not see his eyes. I shot him the most menacing glare I could muster. He smirked.

           “Now, now, Sasuke, let’s not be hasty. Hurry up and get ready. Orochimaru wishes to speak with you.” As he left, he closed the door behind him. Even though my body fought agenst me, I got out of bed and lit a few candles. Looking in the mirror revealed messy hair even Raven would approve of. I reached for the picture taped to the upper left corner of said mirror. It was the only picture he bothered to take with him everywhere. It was a picture of him and Raven at the Koumori No Yoru Festival, right before she almost died.

            I took my time getting ready and made sure my hair was perfect. Apparently I was taking longer than Orochimaru wanted. He had sent a stressed-out Kabuto after me. As we walked to Orochimaru’s chambers, Kabuto made sure to tell me how mad he was that I was not ready in a shorter time. So, I broke his stupid glasses. Then, like the baby he is, he complained to Orochimaru, who slapped him.

           Once Orochimaru redirected his attention to me, He threw a scroll at me.

            “You mission is on that scroll. Hurry and compete it.” He waved me off. Maybe this mission will be fun…     


Red-Raven Beauty fact #1:

Raven was origanly a vampire. The Koumori No Yoru Fastival was going to be a festival celabrating her family. And the three people that rushed into the 50 story tower was orginaly Raven, Clawd and Zurui but then changed to me and my two goons.

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