Just as I was going to reply yes, no words came out.

Than pretty soon my vision got blurry, both Dimitri and Greyson slowly faded.

"All passengers please be seated and buckled as we land. Thank you." A voice announced, breaking me from my dreams which holds my deepest desire faded along with my so called paradise.

Blinking back my tears, I look at my surroundings. Pushing the nauseous feeling down, I sat up slowly and prepared for landing. Replaying the dream in my head, I quickly pushed it back in my mind for another day.

Exiting the plane with Abe and his guardians, we quickly left the tiny private airport ,heading to our destination.

"Guardian Pavel when everything gets settled you and I are hitting the gym, I'm going to so kick your ass."Flashing him a man eating smile.

"Very well Rose. Just know that even thought I'm a lot older than you, I've got more years and training on you. Don't underestimate me."He taunted with a small grin, staring  at me through the rear view mirror.

"Awesome!" I yelled with excitement, I felt like a child in a candy store. "Maybe you could even show me some of your kickass moves too ."

Guardian Pavel laughed, taking a left hand turn. "First lets get you situated, than we can talk."

"Pavel could you stop at a fast food place for Rose quickly before we attend our meeting." Abe spoke up as he ended his call. The thought of food right now made my mouth water and my stomach growl. God, a thick juicy burger with fries sounds delightful right about now.

With a nod, Guardian Pavel began his search for a fast food restaurant.

"Old man before we get situated I have some stuff to share." I Getting  Abe's attention as I inhaled my meal in the back of the SUV."See while I love the help with getting my promise mark and protection, I have a mission I personally need to try and accomplish."

"What kind of mission do you have in mind my child?" Abe laughed, a reckless twinkle in his eye appeared.  So I told him everything, starting from the conversation with Mark and Oksana,when they told me about Robert Doru bringing a Strigoi back from the dead with spirit.

Leaving the task of spirit studying to Lissa and Adrian, which would help their practice with Spirit to mature with knowledge. There was so much more to spirit and being shadow-kissed than

we really know, so learning more would help the Moroi who specialize in spirit.

"Well my child, when it comes to someone you love, you'll  find there isn't anything you won't do."Abe wisely spoke. "Sometimes I wish it was something I had done." Leaving me to bask in my mind full of thoughts.

First I needed to get stronger to deal with Dimitri, I didn't trust anyone one else to help me get far besides Abe in this mission. Without resources or influence in the Moroi world, I wouldn't get far I was only a eighteen year old drop out with no documents or ID.  Secondly, I needed to find out Roberts location, with or without Victors Dashkov's  help.

This missions is my only way to move on with my life, I needed to get the job done. I couldn't spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder while trying to guard and protect Lissa.

So I have no choice, it's either Dead or Alive.

About fifteen minutes later, Guardian Pavel took a right turn pulling into a secluded motel.

It was a disgusting a one story building painted in a faded pee yellow shade. The Motel Signs T's fuse was burnt out, the whole place screamed ghetto, a place no one would want ever stay at. Like how do they stay open?

Stepping out of the SUV,the first thing that hid me was the thick dry heat in the air. The sun was at its peak due to being early in the afternoon, which didn't help what I was wearing. Peeling my sweater off I threw it in the back seat, then followed everyone into the front office of the motel.

"So old man, what kind of deal is this anyways?"I asked curiously, I never actually asked what it was.

"I have a deal with an expert on finding information in deprecate situations." He said valley, following Guardian Pavel's lead."I have some stuff to locate, then maybe we can get your situation fixed" Abe replied, answering my question.

Once we entered the building, two silent guardians and I scouted the area for anything other than the ordinary, while the old  man and Guardian Pavel talk to the desk clerk.

"Psst." Sound came from my left, Looking over at the two guardians who where trying to get my attention.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Hey, sorry we didn't introduce ourselves earlier," the tall blonde dhampir spoke. "Where kind of scared of your father, my name is Guardian T.J Brendan and this here is Guardian Laura Jackson." Gesturing to the tiny blonde behind him.

"Nice to meet you ." I smiled, shaking there hands. "Oh and don't worry about the old man,  he's a big softy under his hard exterior." I giggled.

"Shall we get going now guys."Abe says from behind me, ending our tiny conversation, following him to our meeting room.

Abe slid the key card into the slot and waited for Guardian Pavel to open the door. Once it wa small clear, I quietly closed the door behind me, we walked into the room. Empty. "So where is this expert." I ask, not sure what was supposed to happens.

"Jesus child, ever heard of patience." Guardian Pavel replied causing everyone to laugh. "What can I say Pavel she gets it from me."Abe joked, clearly amused about my lack of patience.

"Yeah, yeah I get it I don't got all that zen  patience shit you badass guardians seem to have mastered." I joked, back. "Hell that was the last thing Dimitri and I where working on before this whole mess happened."I spoke, instantly regretted my words. I felt an ache in my chest.

Damn it Rose if you can't get ahold of yourself and control your emotions, how will you ever complete this mission. Woman up and take action!

Clearing those thoughts, I quickly added to Abe." I also got it from my mother." Making Guardian Brendan slightly snicker behind Abe, which caused  a smack upside his head by Guardian Jackson.

Knock, knock. Coming from the door.

Everyone stopped talking, Guardian Pavel  made his way stealthily to the door. Taking a look  into the peephole, he opened the door to let this expert in.

"Finally! Took long enough." I said out loud to myself.

"Well-well well, if it isn't Rose Hathaway." A voice I knew all to well spoke, walking through the door as a wide grin formed on my face.


A/N: sorry for the late update had to some house work today and forgot to post ! Better late then never ! Please Vote and Comment down below on what you think or would like to see ! ❤️

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