At the Hokage Tower😏

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Sasuke and Naruto entered the Hokage tower and walked up the spiral staircase. They were about to open the door when a voice shouted out to them. "Naruto you are late! Lady Tsunade has been waiting for you! Your teammates showed up on time, why can't you?" Naruto sighed and turned to the shrill high pitched voice that belonged to non other then Tsunade's talented apprentice, Shizune.

"Hello Shizune!" Naruto scratched the back of his head "You see the reason I am late is..." "I don't want to hear your excuse Naruto! Just get in that room now!" Naruto flinch at Shizune's rage "Man... Shizune never yells at me unless I really piss Grandma Tsunade off...what is so important that she had to practically scream at me. 'Is Grandma Tsunade that mad at me for being late?" Naruto wondered to himself.

Shizune snapped her finger in Naruto's face "Naruto stop day dreaming!" Naruto quickly shook his head and frowned "All right Grandma Tsunade that mad at me for being late?" Naruto said finally speaking his thoughts aloud.

Shizune sighed then smiled at him "Naruto, even if Lady Tsunade was mad at you...she would be mad at you for long. You are someone special to must know that right?"
Naruto turned a little pink from embarrassment and scratched the back of his head again "Yeah I know that."

"Hn, thanks for the introduction Naruto." Sasuke said from the shadows Naruto turned around and frowned at him "I didn't forget you Sasuke." Sasuke grinned at him and Shizune gave a bewildered look at Sasuke, then gave a questionable glace to Naruto.

Naruto grinned "Shizune, I would like to introduce you to my best friend, Sasuke." Shizune's eyes went wide "The Sasuke that fled the village years ago to join Orochimaru?" Shizune asked in an acid like voice. Sasuke felt a jolt of pain in his heart when he saw Naruto cast his gaze to the ground where his feet were with a frown plastered on his face. Sasuke bit the inside of his cheek till he tasted a metallic copper flavor in his mouth. He had to control his anger and temper if he wanted to be allowed back into the village again.

"Yes, that would be me." Sasuke said in a low non emotional voice Naruto turned his gaze back to Sasuke and had a sympathetic look in his eyes "Shizune...Sasuke...Sasuke is not a bad person. He came back to the village because...because he wants to live here again...he wants to live homeagain."

Shizune turned and walked towards Naruto "As you say Naruto but...but it is up to Lady Tsunade to decide whether or not he can stay here." Shizune looked like she was going to say more but held her tongue. Sasuke noticed this "Tch, why don't you say what is on your mind Shizune." Sasuke said in a humor mockery voice. It was as if Shizune was a fly and Sasuke was the swatter that could end her life in a mere moment.

Shizune was about to when she saw the pleading look on Naruto's face that was telling her "Please don't Shizune" Shizune sighed and turned her back away from Sasuke "I have nothing else to say Sasuke, follow Naruto threw though doors. Lady Tsunade is waiting for you." Sasuke "Hn, whatever you say Shizune." He smiled at Naruto "Ready?" Naruto smiled "You bet!" Naruto pushed open the door and Walked through them with Sasuke on his tail.

The door slammed behind them and Shizune sighed "Something tells me there is more to this Sasuke then meets the eye." Naruto was leading the way to Tsunade room "Naruto...I thought Tsunade...the Hokage's room was here?" Sasuke asked and Naruto grinned "Yeah it is, we just have to walk down this hall then we are there."

Sasuke quickly gazed at the room around him and raised a brow at Naruto "I don't remember a long hall before the Hokage's room...when did this get here?" "They must have made it while I was training."Sasuke looked at him "Training for what?" Naruto smiled at him "I trained so that I could bring you back, but looks like you beat me to it."

Sasuke's heart skipped a beat "Naruto...he trained so he could bring me back home."
"Thanks Naruto...but why would you need to train to bring me home?"
Naruto's eyes became like blue glass "Because I could not bring you back before."

Sasuke frowned "I...I am sorry for doing that to you Naruto." Naruto smiled its ok Sasuke I..." Sasuke stopped and grabbed Naruto shoulders and pushed Naruto against the wall "NO! It is not ok! I hurt you Naruto...How can you just forgive me like that?"

Naruto smiled at him again "Because, you're my best friend."
Sasuke smiled and leaned in and whispered "Thank you." Sasuke rested his head on Naruto's should for a moment and smelled his hair for a mere moment and moaned in a low tone.

Naruto flinched "Did I hurt him?" Naruto wonder to himself, "Sasuke are you ok? Naruto asked and Sasuke smiled "He is too innocent, too pure for his own good...I could take him now! Confess to him and if he is not willing I will take him by force."

Reality hit Sasuke when he remembered where they were. "Damnit I cannot do this now! They could hear us! Besides it will be a lot easier after I get allowed back into the village. If I try to take him and he refuses I lose my life line to get back in the village and I'll never see my blond again! I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!"

Sasuke backed away from Naruto and smiled "No, you didn't Naruto. Let's go." Naruto nodded his head and he opened the door to find Sakura, Sai, and Tsunade waiting for them.

"Finally, what the hell took you so long?" Naruto grinned "Sorry but I ran into a friend and he needs to see you, so I brought him with me." Tsunade raised a brow after hearing this "Who is your friend that needs to see me brat?"

Naruto grinned and stepped aside and Sasuke stepped forward. The room got death quiet "Grandma Tsunade allow me to introduce you to Sasuke Uchiha, the last of the Uchiha clan!"

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