Final Chapter: Year's Last

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 All eyes were on the Supaisu girls who were dancing on a black stage. Only, the REAL girls were on another stage on the opposite side, playing the instruments and singing. 


'What're you going to do?' asked Miku, looking up at the ceiling.

IA and Luka were busy in the rehearsal room. They were up near the ceiling, doing something with a black floor attached to the celing.

'They're customizing the stage,' Gumi answered. 'Well, placing holograms. You'll be the only dancing, but the holograms behind you will copy your movements and show us dancing, too!'

'How?' Miku asked.

'You'll see when they're done!'


Kaito and Gakupo were staring at the performance. Up on that stage, saw the 5 girls in matching uniforms dancing. The others around them were trying to dance to the songs beat or screaming applause while waving their arms. 

'How're they doing that? asked Kaito.

'I don't know. Look. See that stage at the end? They're playing the instruments there. Here, they're dancing. I  don't understand how.'

'Not all of them are playing. Miku's dancing.'

'Let's check the first stage out.'


They boys shuffled through the dense crowd until they reached the other end of the room. There, the girls were playing but only Miku was dancing in the spotlight. The others shifted around, including Miku, but they weren't dancing.

'How?' Gakupo wondered.

Yohio was beside him. 'How they're doing all this?' he asked.


'Don't you get it?'


'Okay, they're using holograms.'

Kaito and Gakupo exchanged looks and cried a really long,'Ooooooooooooooooooooh!'

'They just recorded this dance first and then present the holographic dance?' Gakupo asked.


'Why's Miku dancing here, too, in real life?' asked Kaito.

'Dunno. To show off her skills, I guess?'

Another song started. It was much faster than the other one. It was also much harder to dance on. Miku didn't dance to this one.The holographic girls on the other end danced it effortlessly, thought. 

The boys turned to the stage the girls were playing on.

Luka was on the drums.

Rin was on an acoustic guitar.

IA was on the synthesizer.

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