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'I'm going to die this year,' Len slumped his head on the desk.

'Shh!' Rin furiously took notes.

Unlike usual, the other students were also furiously writing notes; Miki explained Chemistry on the board. It was so quiet Miki wondered if everyone had become Luka.

'I'm dying, Rin,' Len moaned.

'Take notes, Len!'

'I'll just copy from you...'

'I won't help!'

At the back row, Miku was writing notes, too. Kaito was leaning over to copy everything- but he got really distracted talking to Iceto (Last week, Iceto was a cone; this week, it's a swirl of vanilla and chocolate).

'Yuma, stop texting Thalia!' Mizki whispered.

Looking guilty, Yuma tucked the phone in his pocket.

Luka and IA were at the front bench- competing for who has the most notes, probably. They had to turn pages frequently because they were writing everything Miki said.


'I don't think I'll live anymore, Rin,' Len announced, as they were heading home out of school.

'Why?' Rin looked bored. Len had talked too much today.

'You know the Graduation Dance?' Len looked scared.


'I don't think anyone will go with me.'


'I KNOW! I know I claim that all girls go crazy for me. But- DON'T TELL ANYONE!- I... I...'

'Go ahead,' Rin looked more interested.

'The truth is...'


'I can't talk to girls.'


The final exams were over and love was in the air as everyone in Crypton Academy scoured for dates. Neru was with Teto, Gumi, Yukari and IA, typing furiously into her phone words like 'Len senpai never notice' 'Yandere Neru for Len' and 'Senpai-kun!' IA, on the other hand, was professionally reading something in her tab.

'Why don't you just ask him to the dance?' Gumi suggested.

'Shoot!' Neru gasped. 'He's coming!'

In a flash of orange, Neru disappeared.

Len walked up to the band of girls. 'Hey, you guys!'

'Hi, Len,' the others replied; Gumi, Teto and Yukari sincerely, IA bored.

'Wh-why did she run away?' Len pointed to where Neru should have stood.

'She's... Crazy...' IA replied.

'Okay...' Len answered.

'Did you want something Len?' Gumi asked.

She noticed suddenly how blue Len's eyes were.... How blonde his hair was.... How angelic his face was....

She pictured the two of them standing  near a beach, shoulder to shoulder. Her head was on Len's shoulder, and he slowly turned to her.

What do you want? Gumi asked.

Len gazed at her for some time, every second of his gaze made Gumi's heart race.

Len? she asked.

Len's soft lips moved. 'You.'

'AAA!' Gumi screamed, in a fan-girl way.

Everyone looked at her.

Gumi blushed from head to toe.

'Umm... Gumiiiiii,' Teto gave her an evil smile.

Gumi realized Teto knew. 'NO! TETO! I don't!'

All eyes were on Gumi, making her more nervous. 

'You don't... WHAT?' Len asked, in his cute, high-pitch-ear-bleed voice.

'I DON'T LIKE YOU!' Gumi blurted out.

Everyone gasped and backed away. Len's shoulders drooped. So did the cute smile on his face, Gumi noticed.

'NO!' Gumi realized her mistake. 'I... I like you! I like you a lot! But, but- but not in that way!'

Unfortunately, everyone saw through Gumi's careful words.

'So... You like LEN?' IA put the puzzle together.

'I LOVE HIM!' Gumi corrected. 'NO! I mean, yes! I mean, not like that! I mean-'

Len couldn't believe his ears.

Gumi. Gumi! Gumi- the girl with the beautiful voice and amazing kicks! Gumi liked him! He had never thought of her... How come he never thought of her?

So, will Gumi have a happily ever after? Stay tuned to find out!

Thanks for reading, everyone! If you liked the chapter, please vote. It would be as awesome as Gumi's kicks if you could leave a comment! Bye, you guys!

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