My Walls [Stenbrough]

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Stan's POV
I sat and stared at the static Television, not bothering to change the channel, or look away. I couldn't even believe myself. Why had I been such an idiot? An idiot that broke up with the best person possible to come into his life? Gawd, what the fuck happened to me. I used to be such a good soul, the purest. He made what was hell a daydream to me. He saved me from every bad decision I had made, except for this one. This time, he just left. With no words. See, that's what's wrong with me. I don't let down my walls. Even for him, I didn't let down my walls. No, I had to go fuck things up again. The silence in the room was so strong it practically suffocated me, but I didn't care. I didn't let down my walls, yet they now come crashing down. My walls, so strong and powerful and unshakable, fall apart now because of him. Because of what I did. My walls, are what kill me everyday as I watch him move on, because of what I did.

ok, sorry, i'm tired and i feel exactly how stan feels. so yea, enjoy! -larissa

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