Spooky Time [Reddie x Stenbrough] Part 1

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3rd person POV
"Make sure not to get into any trouble! Stay away from strange people, and don't go into the woods. Got it?" Bill's mom's stern look made the teenaged boy nod quickly, agreeing to everything. "We'll see you guys later."

"Bye Billie!" Georgie waved to his big brother sweetly. Bill waved back and the door closed. He turned back to the three other boys.

"So, sh-should we g-go now?" Bill asked the others. The zombie of the group let out a "HELL YEAH!" before opening the door and rushing out.

"Wait, Richie! Wear a jacket, you might catch a cold!" Eddie whined, following his best friend outside with an oversized heavy coat.

Richie laughed and looked back at the small boy, grabbing his shoulders. "Don't worry Eddie-Bear. I'm immune to everything!" He said with a confident smile. Eddie blushed and adjusted the fluffy ears that sat atop his head. "Asshole, don't call me that."

"Do we have a plan of where we're going?" The vampire of the group asked. His curly hair was so tightly greased back you'd think it was painful, and he played around with the plastic fangs that were wedged into his mouth.

"N-no. Just g-going aro-und the block." Bill stated, throwing a white sheet over his head and adjusting the holes so they fit his eyes. Richie groaned from outside and whined, "But Billie, that's boring! Let us be adventurous for once!" He thrust his fist into the air proudly, only to have it smacked down by an angry teddy bear. "I am hurt." Richie gasped and turned away dramatically.

Rolling his eyes, Stan slyly grabbed Bill's hand as he retrieved their soon-to-be-full candy bags from the counter. They looked up at each other and smiled.

"Let's go, losers." Bill managed to speak clearly, and they set off down the block, Eddie chasing Richie as he ran ahead of them in circles, the full moon rising higher amidst the stars.

it just had to be a full moon, y'know?


anyway here's a spoopy time special for y'all.

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