Admit it

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The winding road turned as the bus drove past the large welcome sign. Back in Oregon, the enthusiastic twins sat on the cold leather seats in the back of an otherwise empty bus. Five more minutes of torturous wait until they made it to the mystery shac—"Are you internally monologuing again?""How'd you guess?""Ive only been screaming at you for an hour!" My sister argued for the remaining four minutes on the disgusting city bus. "Gravity falls bus stop!" The chunky blonde bus driver screeched over the microphone as we stood up in a matter of milliseconds. Mables feet stomped loudly as she ran to the front of the bus to meet family. I wish i could say i did the same but i only walked. Carefully ploping down a step at a time i made my way to my two grunkles arms. Soos decided to give me a bro fist and was also kind enough to introduce some new faces. "You have already met melody. But you haven't met Natalie or Alex or Karma!You'll love them!" "Um soos," i pointed out "thats three people and i only see one." Soos opened his mouth to explain his reasoning but before he could a ginger mop flew past my face. Wendy quickly grabbed the hat on my head and swapped for the blue ball-cap with a crappily embroidered pine tree. "Sup dude? I see you've met alex." She said gesturing towards the skinny man with black hair and a graphic tee displaying the letter L in an elegant font. "Not really but i see he watches anime judging by the shirt." "Naw dude,"he replied to my quick comment "i play baseball. What does that have to do with dumb japan crap." I opened my mouth to respond when a scrawny pale kid with neon green hair rushed towards the ginger and attempted to attack her. She however quickly dodged. "Give me my necklace back wendy! You know what it means to me!" "Dont touch my girlfriend fag!" Alex threatened and before wendy could stop him from saying that i screamed "WAIT YOUR DATING WENDY!!" He quickly responded with "Did I fucking stutter?" Wendy tried to calm the teen down but failed as he stormed off with a bruised knuckle from punching me and the kid with neon green hair. Everyone quickly rushed me and tended to my injuries. The weird part was that the other kid got punched so badly he's bleeding and was currently crying in a ball on the floor. I didn't even get a black eye. What was so bad that no one cared about this kid. I shooed off the significant people of last summer like they were birds and went to help him up. "Hey are you okay?" The boy seemed shocked at my act of kindness but reluctantly accepted my help. "My names dipper, whats yours?" "Why are you being kind to me?" I was perplexed at this bizarre comment. Why do people care about others? Why doesn't he seem to care about himself? Why will no one else help him? I came up with an answer for his question. "Why not? Now answer my question." The boy chuckled slightly as he answered with "I'm Karma McNamara. Sorry for my brother." I was astonished when i found out that this poor outcast was stuck under some stupid shadow of a frat boy brother. The walk to the shack was as awkward as you'd expect with two twins wanting to know everything thats happened in their favorite town. (Not awkward at all) "So Soos who is natalie?" Mable tweeted while skipping ahead of us. "Well uh i know me and melody have only been dating for a year but shes kinda my niece kind of my daughter but not either fully because me and melody arent married and —" soos was cut off by mable screaming the words "OH MY GOD SOOS YOU HAVE A CHILD!!" "Well um not really. She was Mels sisters kid but she went to jail for child abuse." "Poor natalie" i responded. Soos agreed and in what seemed to be no time we made it to the shack for us to catch up with melody and meet natalie. We tried our best not to be offensive but natalie was five and mute so we really just sat in silence. "What a long day." My twin sighed as she drifted into sleep. "Not that much happened." I protested puling off y hoodie to show my regular red shirt. We joked around until we drifted off. My eyes opened to see a forest. All of a sudden half of trees disappeared. 'It must be a dream' i thought a familar voice rung through my head. "Well well well well well well well! Looks whose all grown up." "Bill" i quietly grimaced. "Did you miss me? Admit it you missed me!"


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