"Aigoo. . . Even if I did get it, I can't even afford it. I need to work more!" She smiled from her own word of encouragement before walking towards the cashier and pays for the items.

   "Thank you and come again." The cashier bowed and handed the bag to her.

   "Thank you." She bowed back and when she was about to walked away the latter call her back.

   "Miss! Are you by chance Ms. Sana?" He asked making Sana confused all of a sudden.

   "Uhm. . . Yes, why do you ask?" Is he going to ask me out?

   She suddenly went red with her own thoughts but then was cut off when the guy handed her another bag of items. Sana stared at it for a moment before asking.

   "What is this for?"

   "Somebody paid this and said to give it to Ms.Sana. I asked a lot of female costumers awhile ago and I'm really thankful I found you." He grinned awkwardly.

   "Eh? Who paid this?"

   "I'm sorry miss, the person paid me enough tip to shut my mouth." Bowing apologetically, he kept the bag in-between them waiting when will Sana take the bag.

   "How would I know that I can trust this person if I don't know who it is?" Sana said as she looked at the bag, she's not sure whether she will accept it easily or not. Not to mention, it came from somebody she doesn't even know. Not like she had friends to begin with.

   "All I know is that the one who bought this for you cared for you a lot." He smiled, a genuine one. And that made the latter take the bag. "You're really lucky to have that person." He then waved goodbye at her who is still in a confusing state of mind.
   Sana walked out in an empty road. Cursing in her mind to find another cheap apartment that doesn't have an eerie street. It made her skin crawl, but she can't do nothing as of the moment aside from hugging the books and grocery bags closer to her chest while walking a bit faster than usual.

   A twig snapped behind making her turn her head in a flash. But she found no one and sighed in relief. After getting scared, she didn't hesitate to run for her life.

  Meanwhile, behind the bushes, a guy was currently held down while his mouth was covered with a hankie filled with chloroform. Seconds later  the man passed out. The person then stands up and wiped away the non-existent dirt on his clothes.

   "What do we have here? Somebody is trying to hurt her huh?" They looked down on the sleeping guy on the ground. "Be thankful I'm not a killer dude, or else."

   They then walked away.
   Fumbling her keys to insert it in the hole, she managed to successfully open her door and hurriedly locked it after getting inside. She then went straight to her kitchen and set the bags on the table. Pulling out the contents of the first bag before examing the other. She was curious as to what was inside.

   "Whoever he or she is, I should thank them."

   A tear almost escaped her eyes when she was holding the item she wanted to buy earlier—the limited Japanese Ramen.

    "Well, not only for this. That would be embarrassing." She kept mumbling as she kept pulling out some vegetables and fruits out of the bag. There are even meats.

   "Yey~ Gotta start cooking!"


   By the next day, Sana got to school earlier than usual since this coming days she was task to open the library and arranged newly came books on the designated shelves.

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