17. Reality || New Parents

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A loud , piercing scream woke me up from my peaceful sleep.  I groaned before rolling out of bed. I shuffled over to Alessandra's crib and scooped her up into my arms. "What's the matter babygirl?" I cooed.

"You know she can't actually talk right?" Dak responded from the bed. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. It's been almost three months since Alessandra was born and our relationship has been on thin ice. I'm hoping it's the lack of sleep that's causing it.

I carried the baby into the kitchen to make her a bottle, when the bottle was ready I sat in the rocking chair in the living room and fed her. After she was burped I started to rock her, I watched as she peacefully fell asleep in my arms.

"You have your daddy's lips." I whispered with a smile.

I continued to rock her even after she fell asleep, I sat there for about an hour before I heard Dak enter the living room with his gym bag.

"There's practice today?" I asked as he grabbed his keys off the counter.

"Mhm." He mumbled as he left.

That was a daily thing he came and went the same way. He barely looked at me, let alone kiss me anymore.

I sighed as I placed Alessandra back in her crib. I checked the time, it was a little past nine in the morning.

I picked up my phone and called my best friend.

"Hey B, what's up?" She asked.

"Dak just left for practice, wanna take the kids out for breakfast?" I asked as I picked out an outfit for the day.

"Practice doesn't start for another hour?" She said confused.

There was nothing but silence on my end as I tried to process what she just said.

"Where do you want meet?" She asked after a minute of complete silence.

"IHOP in thirty minutes?" I suggested.

"We'll see you there." She said hastily before she hung up.

As I got myself and Ale ready for the day I tried to give Dak the benefit of a doubt. He left an hour earlier than he was supposed to, Why?
Did he want to workout first? Eat? He could've eaten here. He wasn't cheating on me, he wouldn't not after I just gave him a daughter.

I picked out a maroon oversized sweater I paired it with ripped jeans and brown riding boots. Ale was dressed the same as me except her boots were combat.

That's one think I loved about having a girl, is getting to dress her up exactly like me.


When we got to IHOP Marisol already had a table for us and the hostess escorted us to where they were sitting.

It was just her, Bella, and Elijah there. I greeted them as I placed Alessandra's car seat next to me in the booth.
After the waitress took our drink order Marisol spoke up, "How have you been girl?" She asked, her voice thick with concern.

I looked over at Bella to make sure she wasn't paying attention, she had her face face in her tablet with her headphones in.

"I don't want to think the worst. I thought he was cheating last time and he wasn't."

"But he had before you started to get suspicious." She said.

"True, maybe he's just under a lot of stress with work." I was always quick to defend him. What's wrong with me?

I sighed as I placed my head in my hands, "I don't know what to do."

Marisol grabbed my hands and held them. She was about to speak up when my phone vibrated from my purse.

Fiancé ♥️: I'm staying over at Zekes tonight.

I read the message then showed Marisol. She shrugged, "Zeke didn't tell me anything."

"That's it then, if he actually stays at your place there's a possibility he can't be cheating and if he doesn't then he is." I said.

I decided to push my doubt to the side and enjoy the rest of the time with my family.

The next morning I woke up to a text that confirmed my worst fear.

BFFL 👯‍♀️💜: Dak didn't stay over here..

BFFL 👯‍♀️💜: He didn't even bring up to Zeke.

[Authors Note: Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving. I'm leaving it up to you (my amazing readers) to decide what happens in the next chapter 😊]

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