9. Reality || Family trip.

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"Babe you literally take forever to get ready." Dak whined through the bathroom door.

I opened the door, "you're so impatient it didn't even take me long to get ready this time."

I was wearing a loose fitting navy blue shirt, navy blue bralette and ripped skinny jeans.

I made sure I had my suitcase packed, we were getting ready to head to the Bahamas for two weeks. We were going for Dawns birthday. Her birthday wish was to have all of us go on a vacation and she picked the spot.

"I'm just saying we were supposed to be at the airport an hour ago." Dak said as he locked up the apartment.

"Our flight leaves at 6:30, it's almost three. We have plenty of time." I replied rolling my eyes.

We arrived at the airport almost an hour later, Zekes mom and sisters were already there. We greeted them and waited for the rest. As we were waiting I felt my stomach start to turn. Dak must have noticed this caused him to lean over and ask if I was ok.

"Probably just nerves, I'm gonna head to the restroom real quick." I was way too familiar with this feeling. I entered the restroom and found an empty stall. I threw up everything I had eaten that morning. Was it nerves or something else?

As I was headed back I ran into Marisol and her family. "Hey just who we were looking for, where's my mom?" Zeke asked.
"They're sitting by the signs that says our gate on it." I replied as I glanced to the small pharmacy that was inside the airport. "Y'all go ahead I need to buy something I forgot to pack."

I started at the tiny box for eternity before I heard a voice from behind me.
"Pregnancy test?"

"Just ruling it out, I've been throwing up for days and I don't remember the last time I got my period."

"I was there for you when you took your first one and I'm going to be there for this one. We can do it on the plane. Let's go." Marisol replied.

I paid and stuffed the tests in my Michael Kors crossbody with a sigh. Thankfully it was big enough to hide the tests in, I didn't want to get Daks hopes up.


The airplane bathroom was tiny, Marisol had to wait outside while I took the test. When I was finished I let her in the crowded space with me.

She set the timer and we waited, "What if you are pregnant?" She asked. "When are you going to tell him."

"I'm going to wait until after I go to the doctors to confirm it."

I wasn't mentally prepared to go through another pregnancy after what happened but I knew how much Dak wanted kids now.


Marisol picked it up and read me the results.

"Not pregnant"


"Is everything ok?" Dak asked as I returned to my seat.

"Yeah I'm just still feeling bad. I took a test because I thought I could be pregnant but that's not it. I'm probably going to see a doctor when we land." I said, I wasn't going to keep anything from him.

"Do you want me to go with you?" He asked.

"I would love that." I replied with a smile. I loved how supportive he was, no matter what I was going through I was relieved to know I would have him by my side.

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