Holy Roman Empire's House

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(note: when Italy was little, everyone thought he was a girl even though he was a boy. Because of this, some parts might confuse you readers.)

It was a bright warm morning. Little Italy woke up to the sound of birds chirping. A warm breeze passed through his window. It was a perfect day. Italy shared a room with Hungary. She was a gentle and kind girl who would always let Italy eat her leftovers or try on her clothes. They were practically like sisters. The room they shared was small with a large window in the center. There were two beds in the corners of the room and a large chest in between.

Both Italy and Hungary lived and worked in Mr. Austria's house. They were maids. Both were in charge of cleaning, laundry, and other chores. In exchange, they were given a place to stay and food to eat. The two countries were living under poor conditions, but thanks to Mr. Austria, they no longer had to live in poverty.

"Good morning Hungary-chan." Italy let out a small yawn. It was still early.

"Good morning Ita-chan." Hungary said as a small grin slowly spread across her face. Her wavy brown hair danced in the room. "Let's go get dressed." She picked Italy up and swung him around. He giggled. Italy had a adorable round face that reflected in the sunlight. His head was covered with messy caramel hair. He was a cheerful and carefree little boy who loved nothing more than pasta and naps. Hungary put Italy down and turned to get dressed.

Later that day, Italy was sent to Holy Roman Empire's house to wash the floors and clean. He walked down the marble streets. In his hand he carried a deck brush and in the other a bucket filled with soap water. When he arrived at Roman Empire's house, he knocked on the door.

There was no answer. Maybe he's not here, Thought Italy. I'll just let myself in. Italy slowly opened the massive door that led into Roman's house. The house was more like a mansion. There was a grand ballroom with a magnificent stairway leading upstairs. A shiny crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. The hallway walls were aligned with beautiful paintings, including one of little Italy himself.

"Wow..." Italy gasped. The house reminded him of Mr. Austria's house, only this one was more grand and vast. He laid the deck brush against the wall and placed the bucket next to it. He started to roam the hallway and studied the paintings.

There were paintings of all sizes. There were tall paintings of flowers and fruits, Huge paintings of countries and world leaders, and a small painting of a young boy. "Hey, that's me!" Italy exclaimed as he walked closer to see the painting. Indeed it was him. He was smiling and was wearing his usual lime colored maid uniform.

"What is a painting of me doing here?" He asked himself. He thought about this for a while, but ignored it and quickly went back to cleaning the floors. An hour later into his work Italy heard the door open.

He turned to see a scary face that belonged to a boy no older than himself. The boy glared at Italy and had a dark aura around him.

"Kyaaa!" Italy screamed. He tightened his grip on the deck brush and brought it up to his chest. He hugged tightly and began to quiver. Italy was easily frightened and he found the little boy to be very scary.

Little did Italy know, the little boy glaring at him was Holy Roman Empire himself! He opened the door more to let himself inside. He ignored the frightened little boy as he passed by him. He made his way up the staircase and went inside a large room. He jumped upon the massive bed and grabbed the nearest pillow. Hugging it tightly, Roman Empire rolled around.

"I did it!" He screamed in joy and continued to roll around. "Italy is in my house!" He continued to squeal in joy as he jumped up and down on the bed.

"Italy...is finally...in my house." That was the last thing he said before he drifted into a deep sleep.

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