Part 15

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They laid down and relaxed some time. Eleeza enjoyed the silence of the countryside. Well, it wasn't truly silent. There was bird chirping, the grass rustling in the soft, warm wind and the rhythmic clipped-clop of the horse coming along the way. She felt save in Evans arms, and though her wounds did hurt, she knew that everything would get better. She was happy. Suddenly Evan sat up.

"Are you sleeping?" he asked softly.

"No", she answered, "Just enjoying the environment."

He smiled: "That's good. But, listen up, I have got an idea. I know that farmer that is coming with his cart. He lives in the village behind our farm and must go almost the same way as we do. If you are okay with it, I will ask him to take us along."

"Obviously, it's okay. I do not really feel like walking."

"That's what I thought. There is only one thing..."

Eleeza sat up: "Oh come on, Evan. It cannot be so bad. Just tell me."

Evan nodded: "Well, am I right, that you do not want to put up your veil again?"

This time Eleeza just shrugged.

"The problem with that is, that he may react to your silver eyes. I do not know what his reaction might be, but I don't really want to test it. So, I suggest that we put a blindfold over your eyes. Only temporary until we get off, of course. Are you okay with that?"

Eleeza sighed: "Yes, of course. Really Evan, that is not so bad. If you think it's necessary, then I will do it. I can't see anyway, with or without the blindfold."

Evan ripped of a stripe of his shirt and tied the cloth over her eyes.

"Now we only have the problem that he will not hear me..." she said. "Any idea what to do about that?"

Evan thought for some seconds: "Actually yes. I mean, you are hurt and sick. You can just pretend to be a bit weaker. I will lay you at the back of the cart on the hay he is transporting. You can sleep there or just relax. I will keep him entertained and he will not need to speak to you."

"Sounds great! I am tired anyway..." she yawned.

Evan got up and waved at the farmer. He knew that man from childhood. It was a farmer from the other side of the village and they had met regularly at the market. He was a nice man called Ben as far as he remembered and very talkative.

When the cart was just some meters away, Ben called: "Ho, ho", and the horse stopped right in front of them.

Ben turned to them: "Young lad! What are you doing here? And what can I do for you?"

Evan stepped forward: "Ben, it's me, Evan. You remember? I am the son of Oliver of the smallholding Meadowbrook in the valley."

Ben put down his hat: "Evan? Yeah, it's you! Great to see you again!"

Evan smiled and hugged him: "I found a girl and will come back to Meadowbrook."

"A girl? Good lord, show her to me! Where did you find her?"

Evan stepped to Eleeza and helped her up: "That's my girl. We met at the castle where she worked as a maid. She got into an accident day before yesterday, and lost her sight in that crash. I want to take her to Meadowbrook to care for her properly."

Ben looked at Eleeza very hard and then he nodded: "Poor girl. I will take you along the valley to the bridge, it's on my way."

"Thanks very much, Ben! Is it possible for her to lie down in the hay at the back?"

Ben just nodded and stepped back on the cart. Evan meanwhile led Eleeza to the back and lifted her up into the hay.

"You are good in making up stories. It sounded quite true. But one more thing. Please do not tell anybody my real name. There is a reason why only you know it.", she tried to find his face with her hands.

He pressed her hand to his cheek: "How shall I call you then? Any idea? I guess here simply "girl" won't do it."

"I was thinking of names I like during the trip. Adeline, Lauren and Maia are names I always thought nice. Or do you know any other name?"

Evan thought for a while: "I always thought that April would suit you well."

"That name sounds great! I have never heard it till now." she smiled.

"Well, it's a name from the countryside which is barely used in the cities. Shall we call you April, then?"

She nodded.

"Well then, April, sleep well on your bed of hay. We will arrive soon and then you will get a real bed." He kissed her and went to the front to Ben.

Eleeza felt around her. There was sticky hay underneath her, twinging her a little. When she groped further she could feel the wood of the cart. She felt with her hands for the edge and moved a little bit more away from it. Tired she curled up in the hay and tried to ignore the sounds and smells around her. The silver light helped to calm her. The blindfold was annoying, but she did not dare to remove it.

She wondered what her silver eyes looked like. She could not really imagine what it was like. Evan had described it as flowing silver in her pupil and over her lens. But flowing silver? What did he mean by that? All she could say that there was silver light, bright but nothing more than silver. Well, anyway, she would never see it. She decided not to think about it anymore.

Automatically her thoughts turned to her wounds. With one hand, she felt for ones on her belly. It hurt a lot when she touched it. She would need a lot of strength and the moonlight to close it again. Still she tried to use magic right there on the cart to close those ugly wounds.

Thinking of the beauty of the sounds and smells around her she called the magic to herself, she was not able to conjure much, but she used all her strength. Then she sent it to her wounds and fell asleep while the healing magic did its wonderful work on her body.

She slept so tight, that she did not wake when the cart came to a stop next to a small stream.

Evan thanked Ben and lifted Eleeza from the cart. Ben waved as he made the horse go on. Evan carried Eleeza all the way to Meadowbrook. It was five miles downhill but since Eleeza weighed almost nothing especially having been sick for a long time now, he managed without big problems. Eleeza woke up sometimes. But Evan always told her to go back to sleep and, feeling as tired as she was, she did exactly that.

This way they reached Meadowbrook. Evan's sister Zoe opened the door when he knocked and let them inside. Evan told her to be quiet and carried Eleeza in his old room first and put her down on his bed. Zoe watched amazed, but held back her curiosity. Evan put a blanket over his girl and then both quietly walked out of the room.

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