Chapter 1.

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Dear Laurie,

I met this boy at the park a couple weeks ago. He's very persistent, always coming and talking to me and apparently trying to figure out why I look so miserable. Well I look so miserable because I AM miserable.

I just want this all to be over. I want everything in my life to be over. I still can't believe you're actually gone. And this boy keeps coming and casually talking to me like it's no big deal. Who gave him the right? Doesn't he know that my best friend, my soul sister is dead and there's no way I can bring you back?

He claims he wants to find a way to make me happy again when in all reality I could never be happy again without you. It's like he doesn't even care. And it's getting extremely annoying. He's pitying me, and pity is the last thing I want from anyone right now.

I'm going to sit in the park where I usually do. It's been where I've been sitting ever since mom told me the news about you. I still wish you were here.



I sighed, sitting on the park bench once again. Why I insisted on coming here everyday when I knew that annoying boy was going to come and bug me again and again I didn't know.

I sat down and put my headphones in. It was 9:15 now, which meant in 3 minutes I would be expecting that annoyingly persistent boy to come and sit by me again.

My iPod played through Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day, which was playing as I saw out of the corner of my eye the dark haired boy that I saw everyday. Checking my iPod, I saw it was 9:18 exactly. He was right on time.

I sighed as he stopped and sat next to me on the park bench. I pulled out one headphone and waited for his spiel on the weather, the gossip or whatever else he could manage to come up with to say to me. It was always something new everyday, and I wondered what it could possibly be today.

I'm actually listening to what he says everyday? My life has really escalated to nothing.

However, today he didn't say anything to me. He just sat there, staring at whatever was in front of me too. He didn't look at me, say anything to me or even acknowledge my existence. I was actually a bit content this way. If he was going to stalk me everyday like this I would rather have him sitting there, not pitying me like he usually does.

"I'm sorry," he said suddenly, not moving his eyes from where he was looking previously.

I didn't say anything back to him, I just turned and looked at him. I was intentionally not talking to anyone, so I didn't want to say anything to him but I wanted to ask what for. Maybe he had finally found out about my twin sister being dead and he's sorry he's been bothering me, constantly nagging at me to be happier when that kind of isn't possible.

Or maybe he found out about my sister being dead and he's still sitting there pitying me.

Or maybe he found out about Laurie being dead and this is some sick and twisted way of him trying to get me talk to him.

Instead of talking, I turned and stared back to where I was before.

"I'm here, if you want to talk," he said, again not moving from where he was staring.

"I don't want to talk about anything," I said simply, giving in to him trying to get me to talk to him. But his expression didn't change. He didn't move his gaze or smirk at me indicating he was attempting to get something out of me.

Then he didn't something I didn't expect him to do. He reached over and gently laid his hand on mine. It wasn't like he was pitying or anything, it was a gentle touch, like he genuinely cared and wanted to help me. It broke my already broken heart even more. It was nice of him but there wasn't anything he could do to help me unless it was getting my sister back.

For once, I finally felt my eyes starting to prick with tears and I stood and left him sitting there on the bench and ran home. I sprinted the whole way, not wanting anyone to see me while I finally let everything out.

I went into my bedroom and shut and locked the door behind me. I sat in my window and stared out, tears pouring down my cheeks.

I hadn't cried when my mom told me that Laurie was dead. I hadn't cried when we went to her funeral. I hadn't cried at all since I knew the horrible fate. I was in too much shock, too numb to feel anything or cry. Now as I sat and the images of her lifeless body in the casket, being closed and lowered slowly into the ground, of that boy laying his hand on mine like he was trying to help me, everything swimming in my blurred vision caused me to not be able to stop from crying.

Dear Laurie,

You're gone. You're actually gone. You're never coming back. Ever.


I still couldn't even believe that she was gone. I kept thinking she would just come in through the door and say it was all just a joke. It was all just a dream. That somehow she hadn't actually died and that it was never her body that was put 6 feet under, that I still had my soul sister with me.

But I knew she wouldn't.


Once again, at 9:18 the boy came and sat by me on the park bench. I didn't move or acknowledge him in anyway, as I did every morning.

Why he sat by me and did nothing every morning I didn't know. He would probably be much happier to just go and continue his jog. But for some reason he came and sat with me everyday until I would finally leave at 12 to get home before my mom would come home for her lunch break. She didn't need to know that I was going out and sitting in a park all morning everyday.

This continued for who knows how long. A few days. Maybe a few weeks. It could have even been a couple months. I wasn't paying attention. All my mind was on everyday was the fact that I would never speak to my sister again and that I never even got the chance to say goodbye, or tell her that I loved her.

One day I was sitting and he sat by me like usual. Only this was the day that I was done with him just sitting there. I wanted to know the real reason he was sitting there with me all day.

"Why do you always just sit here?" I asked. "You sit there and you don't do anything all morning."

"You don't do anything all morning either," he said, turning to glance sideways at me.

"I have a reason," I argued.

"Me too," he replied.

"What's yours?" I asked.

"I'm being here for you," he said. "You need someone constant in your life, and I'm trying to be that constant. Your parents are never home and your sister is dead so you have no one who's always there and I want to be the one that is."

I stayed silent. I wasn't sure what to say or how to respond to that. How did he know those things anyways?

Oh yeah. My parents are the richest ones in this town. Everyone knows my business.

"My name is Eleanor," I said quietly.

He turned and gave me a bit of a half smile. "I'm Calum."

A/N: The feels are real man... I don't even know but this just makes me really sad :(

This story is going to be a bit shorter than the others. Like another one of my stories, I don't want it to end up being 37 freaking chapters plus a sequel like my last fan fiction... Aye aye aye *smh*

Vote/comment? Last thing I'm updating tonight xx

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