Forever Fiore

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Good Day to everyone.

First of all, thank you for reading this story, even if it's horrible. I can't even read this story without being embarrassed that I actually made it this bad.

Sorry for the lack of self-confidence, but we all know it's true.

Secondly, I won't make this such a long note.

Lastly? Well, I have a new story entitled Forever Fiore, and I swear it's a lot better than this. Nuella and Joshua are also there, but is it not a continuation or a sequel. It's an entirely different story in itself.


x791. A year of mishap, chaos, tragedy, and grief.

Yet after glorious victories, painful discoveries, a horrifying villain, and a bunch of new nakama, Fairy Tail is back to normal. Or so they think.

Please do read it. The link is an External Link. Jaa~

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