Chapter 21

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Killian's POV

I have been with Emma before and after school for the last couple of days. She wasnt ready to go to school just yet after what happened but can you blame her. If I was attacked and those people were still out there I wouldnt want to go back to school either. Today was now Monday and I had spent the weekend with Emma and it was time to go back to school well for me. I tried to move away from Emma slowly, but she seemed to have a grip on my shirt.

"Noooo Dont leave." Emma whines.

"Emma I have to. If I dont go to school my dad will kill me." I say.

"Since when do you care about school?" She asks.

"Since my dad says if I dont graduate he will take my car." I say.

"Oh. Well... I guess its a better day then any to go back to school." She says.

"What? You? Are your sure love?" I ask.

"Yeah I've been out for two weeks. I think its time to go back." She says.

"Well if you want and if you decide to I'll be right there at all times." I say.

"Thanks Killian." She says.

"Im gonna go change I'll uhh wait for you downstairs love." I say.

I take my stuff and went downstairs and waited for Emma to finish up getting ready.

"Is she really going to school?" David asks me.

"Yeah thats what she told me." I say.

"Well could you please keep an eye on her?" He asks.

"Sure thing. I'll make sure she goes to school in one piece and comes back that way." I say.

Emma had come downstairs and she and I went to school together. Most people didnt know that I have spent alot of time with her lately. So when we arrived together alot of people were shocked.

"I feel like everyone is watching me." Emma says.

"Dont worry love Im right here." I say.

"Promise you wont let anything happen to me?" She questions.

"I promise." I say.

I placed my arm around her shoulder as we walked to her locker and that seemed to get people talking. All day people were wondering if Emma and I were dating for real now. Man I actually wish I was with her for real this time, but I dont think she could ever trust me with her heart ever again.

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