WHAT!!!! (7)

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*clara's pov*                                                                                                                                                                              i wake up with no quentin by my side just a note saying *hi sweetie i am going to a photoshoot tanner promised me to take care of you love you from your boyfriend quentin xoxo* tanner was still asleep so i took a shower when i was done tanner woke up "hi sleepy head" i said "hi" he looked so good without shirt on stop clara you are with quentin "clara what are you thinking about" tanner said i snapped back to reality "do you know who quentin is going to a photoshoot with" i asked "yes but there are something i wanna tell you before i say it" i said and pointed at the bed i sat down next to him and asked "tanner what's wrong is it something with paris or what is it" "no it's about quentin" "what" "he texted the girl on the plane and said he liked her more then he likes you and he is going to the photoshoot with her" tanner said and took my hand "what's her name do you know her name" "yeah her name is breanna" tanner said i looked her name up on Instagram and aw her profile and found this picture:

*clara's pov*                                                                                                                                                                              i wake up with no quentin by my side just a note saying *hi ...

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Breanna_holt: this was the best day and a wonderful photoshoot with this guy and yes i wanna go on a date with you @quentinmcconathy

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My heart broke in half "what's wrong clara" tanner asked worried "look" i said starting to cry "omg i am so sorry clara" he said and opened his arms to give him a hug "i ain't your fault" i said into his chest "clara there are something i wanna tell you" tanner said "i really like you" he said and put his hand up to my chin and lifted it up so he could look me in the eyes then he leaned in and kissed then quentin came in "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING" quentin yelled we quickly moved away "IT'S YOU THAT INVITED THIS GIRL BREANNA OUT ON A DATE TANNER TOLD ME EVERYTHING WE ARE OVER" i screamed back crying and walked out of the room quentin tried to grab my arm but i just said let go and walked down the hallway and slid down at the wall

*tanner's pov*                                                                                                                                                                          Clara just left it was just me and quentin in the room "what the hell are you thinking you are doing" quentin said a little mad "it was you who said you liked breanna i saw it on your phone yesterday i told her the truth and kissed her" i responded "but if you dont mind me i have a girl to catch" i said running out of the room i saw clara sit at the wall down the hallway i run down to her and sat by her side "it's not you that have a problem it's him" i said trying to make her happy 

*clara's pov*                                                                                                                                                                              When i saw tanner came running to me i got kind of happy inside "it's not you that have a problem it's him" tanner said "no it's me that kissed you" "no he invited a girl out and dont tell me you didn't like it i felt you kissed back" i playfully punched his arm "ouch that hurt" he said i then laughed "tanner i like you to" i said "really" "yeah" "then do you wanna gonna be my girlfriend again " he said "yeah and dont you have a tanner fox to pick up" "yeah do you wanna come" "sure" when we arrived at the airport tanner fox stood outside and waited for tanner "hey what's up bro and who is this beautiful girl you have here" he said and gave tanner a bro hug and kissed my hand "hey bro she is taken she is mine" he said kissing me "hi" i said to him "do you wanna go grab some MacDonald's" tanner f asked me and tanner b "sure" we said in unison

*Skip MacDonald's*

When we got back it was already 8:30pm and we should early up tomorrow so we just went to bed i got in the bathroom and changed into my pyjamas when i came out tanner f said "hot" "hey she is mine" tanner b said i just giggeled said goodnight to tanner f and tanner b and went to bed i slept in tanner's bed this time quentin leaved with all his stuff saying he was going to stay with breanna and fly with her home "are you thinking about quentin sweetie" tanner said to me "yeah how can he just leave like that" "dont think about he is the one who is missing out on something here" i giggeled and said "tanner i love u" "i love u too" tanner b responded i then drifted of to sleep

*Skip the rest of the vacation*

*clara's pov*                                                                                                                                                                               Me and tanner had been together for 2 weeks we have told our parents and my parents are finally back they said that they are moving to la so now i had the choice of staying and live at tanner's or move to la i said i am gonna stay with tanner so i officially moved in with tanner today i got to share a room with tanner when i was done packing out all my stuff i was so tired so we all decided just to watch a movie oh yeah btw quentin and breanna are staying in la so i am a little a upset cause i did not say goodbye to him but anyways i have tanner that i am sure i the love of my life we decided to watch potc 5 i fell asleep after 5 minutes the only thing i rembered  was tanner picked me up and laid me in his or ours room and whispered "I love you" in my ear and kissed my forehead

*tanner's pov*                                                                                                                                                                          Tomorrow i was gonna take clara out on a date in my backyard yeah i know what you why not  a fancy restaurant i dont do that because i know clara doesn't like fancy restaurants and all kind of stuff like and i want to do some very special tomorrow

That's the end see ya

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