The unknown girl 1 out of 2

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*Clara's pov* I woke up with my head on tanner's chest,i looked up at tanner he just looked so cute.i then reached my phone and saw that my friend Clarie (you know who you are) had texted me about how the house looks and are the neighbors sweet,i send her a picture of the new house and texted her that my neighbor is my internet best friend/my boyfriend she write back "do you have a boyfriend since when and is he cute" I send her a picture of him and said "like a week" "he looks cute" she responded "yeah he is to but HE IS MINE so dont try something" i texted her and then tanner woke up and asked who I was texting " my friend Claire from California" okay do you wanna go grab some breakfast" he asked "sure uhmm ihop" "you know me so well" tanner while he faked to cry and pushed me closer to him,we got dressed and went out to his car and tanner texted quentin and Dylan if the wanted to join to they said sure and then we went over to get them and drived to ihop when we got to ihop i could see tanner looking at a girl but i just ignored it and started to talk with quentin "can i get your number" quentin asked me "sure" i said and gave him my number then tanner walked over to the girl he has been looking at and asked her for her number then he came to the table "what was that fore" i asked him "you got quentin's number and i go got another girls number i think that's fair" tanner said to protect himself i didn't say something i just walked out side to get some fresh air.

*Quentin's pov* i saw Clara's look when she went outside "you better go out and talk to her" i said to tanner "she is really upset" "i ain't my fault that she asked you for your number" tanner responded "dude you has totally misunderstood it was me that asked her for her number not the opposite it's me you should be mad on not her" Then he realized he really fucked up he ran out to her.

*Tanner's pov* When quentin said that i realized i totally fucked up i run out to her and said "sorry can you forgive me quentin just told me the real story i really fucked up" i told her

*Clara's pov* "Tanner said sorry should i forgive him" then Dylan and quentin came out,"would he just hurt me again" i thought to myself "can you just drive me home" i said to him "sure" he said i sad on the backseats with quentin and Dylan sad on the passengers seat,wen we arrived tanner asked if he should come but i said no thank you,i just took of my shoes and run up to my room and cried and thinking about "should i forgive him" then my phone buzzed it was quentin i asked if he should come over i said yes "be there in 5" quentin responded after 5 minutes there was someone who knocked on the door i could tell it was bc he knocked on he door and then just walked in "hello are there someone" quentin yelled "i am upstairs" i yelled back quentin came in the room and asked "are you okay" "Not really" "are you gonna forgive him" "i really don't know" i said and cried even more "Clara if you could have heard tanner before you moved here the only thing he was talking about I've never thought he would do that you,i think you should forgive him or at least just be friends with him" when quentin said that i rembered how fun we had yesterday it was one of the best day in my life, i thought and thought and then i made my decision and i forgive him i hugged quentin and walked over to tanner's i knocked on the door and kim opened the door and said "i guess you are looking for tanner he is in his room" i walked down to tanner's room and saw him sleeping on the bed i then woke him up "tanner i have made my decision" "before you say something i will just say i understand if your are mad at me but i just got mad when my girlfriend got my best friend number i am sor" i cut him of and said "i forgive you" "are you really" "yes silly" he gave me a hug and stood up and spin me around he then sad me down on the bed and leaned in and kissed me i felt sparkeles all around me.

That was it for today hope you like and no hate i loved taris no hate to paris

and a big thanks to ckavanaugh_12 for the idea to this chapter

Word count:829

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