The unknown girl 2 out of 2

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*clara's pov* when we stopped kissing there was a awkward silence then tanner said "I love u" "I love u too" I responded "I have something for you stay here" tanner said "sure" then tanner's phone buzzed it was a number saying "when will you pick up and what shell I wear" I then checked there conversations and it was the girl from ihop named Paris and tanner asked her out on a date "have you missed me" tanner said jumping on the bed "not really" tanner saw I had his phone in my hand and said "I guess you found out" "yeah what was you thinking about when you asked her out on a date when I am your girlfriend not her" I said starting to cry "sorry I really dont know what I was thinking about I think I thought we where over" tanner said "we weren't but we are now" I said running out of his room

*tanner's pov* when clara said that I broke I knew that this time she would properly not forgive I really fucked up I texted quentin and Dylan In our group chat:

(T=tanner . Q=quentin . D=Dylan) T:Guys i really fucked up this time
Q:what have done
T:i thought we were over so i asked the girl from ihop out on a date then Clara came over and said she would give me a second chance we kissed and i total forgot about Paris( the girl from ihop) then she send a text and clara read it and got upset and now she just left
D: damn you really fucked up
Q: poor her just give her time so she can figure out what she will do
D: yeah i think that the best thing you can do to
T:thanks guys

*end of conversation*

*clara's pov* When I got home I got a text from quentin saying that he had heard what happen and that I had talked to tanner and said that he should give me some to figure out what I will do I said thanks quentin is just such a good friend I was tired so I went to take nap the clock was 1:03pm when I woke up from my nap I was 3:40 I look at my phone and got a text from text from quentin asking me if I wanted to do a challenges with me "sure" I said "k I be over in 5" quentin responded after 5 minutes quentin came in saying that we should go get the stuff we needed for the challenge in Walmart "which challenge are we doing" I asked "we are doing the truth or dare food edition" "delicious" I said in a sarcastically voice when we got to Walmart we bought many different kinds of food like meat,tuna,milk,juice and marshmallows when we got back to my house quentin set up his camera up and started the video

*Skip video* "I think we should take a shower" quentin said "yeah I think so to you can take downstairs I take upstairs shower deal" I agreed "deal" quentin said as he walked downstairs *about 30 minutes later they where done showering* "that was fun" quentin said "yeah" I said "did you really mean what you said in the video about liking me quentin" "yeah I mean you are beautiful and you sweet,funny and smart you are the perfect girl" quentin while he looked down in the ground and blushed "then you are lucky cause I like you to" I said "really I wasn't expecting that" then quentin looked at my lips "you are allowed to kiss me" I said then quentin kissed me and it felt just like when tanner kissed then I rembered tanner I need to talk to him or text saying that we are over I pulled away saying "I need to talk to tanner be right back" "k" I ran over to tanner and said that we are over hugged him and ran back to quentin when I came back quentin sat on my bed and told me to sit down next to him "clara will you go on a date with me tomorrow" quentin asked me I thought and thought about and then came out with the word "yes I would love too" "really" quentin said "yes but not a word to tanner k" "I understand" quentin said the rest of the day me and quentin sat in the couch in the living room and watched riverdale and stranger things "what do you want for dinner" I asked quentin "uhmm what about pizza" "pizza sounds great" I called to order pizza and quentin sat and edited his video "the pizza is here" I said and closed the door "yeah" when we finished with our pizza It was already 10:30pm so me and quentin went to bed "goodnight" I said "goodnight sweetie" quentin responded I fall asleep with quentin's hand around my waist

Uhhhh drama that was it for today

Word count:832

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