Start from the beginning

"I'm—getting married." Lotor's eyes nearly popped out of his head and he rocked back and forth.

"Really?!" He smiled brightly, "Congratulations!" When Keith didn't show any signs of joy, Lotor's excitement ceased. "Um, is this engagement..a good thing?"

"Princess Allura of Altea." Lotor cringed.

"Ew, really?" Keith nodded, "How do you feel about that?" Lotor was the only person—besides Lance of course—who Keith had come out to. The smaller prince shrugged.

"I mean..I know, as a prince, it's my duty to think of my people before myself but, she......" Keith ran a hand through his bangs, "she really hates me. Us. Galra." Lotor frowned.

"So even after the war, she's still salty towards Galra?" Keith nodded, "That bi-"

"Woah woah Lotor! Language please!" Keith glanced at the wall, "I know you've been gone and all, but we're at least trying to keep it PG here." Lotor rolled his eyes playfully.

"Whatever. So anyway, what are you gonna do?" Keith let out a deep breath.

"I don't know. I mean I've really thought about—no. It wouldn't work." Lotor sat up straight, like a curious child.

"What wouldn't work?" Keith began messing with his hair, twirling it in his fingers.

"Well, Allura has a brother. And I guess he really likes me-" Lotor let out a howl.

"Oh! You sly dog!" Keith couldn't help but laugh.

"Shush. A-anyway I do..like Lance.....a lot actually but—the agreement was for me and Allura to get married." Lotor tapped his chin in thought, "To disobey the kings would be treason. It would only lead to more war if I...if we don't do what both our fathers want." Lotor hummed.

"If it were me, I would talk to Father about thi-"

"But I'm not you." Keith looked away, "I wish I could be, though."

"Hey now," Lotor set a hand on Keith's shoulder, "you're an all star," Keith glared at Lotor, who cleared his throat, "sorry," he paused, "not sorry."


"Okay okay. Look, I'll talk to Father about it then if you really don-"

"No you don't get it!" Keith threw his hands up, "There isn't anything I can do about it, I can't just go up to Father and tell him I don't want to go through with this." Lotor cocked his head.

"Then...why are you complaining about it?" Keith opened his mouth but, deciding he had nothing to say, closed it, "If you really want to change what's going to happen, then you say what you think. But if you're convinced nothing will change, then why complain? That'll get you no where." Keith looked down, realizing Lotor was right.

All Keith was doing was having this battle inside his head. He told himself he didn't want this; he hated the idea altogether. But what was he doing to change it? Nothing. So what really was the point in complaining about it? There...was no point. If he wasn't going to confront the problem, there really isn't anything else to say about it. If he really didn't want it, which he doesn't, then he should've done something by now.

"Listen Keith," Lotor finally broke the silence, "I understand why you'd be afraid to speak out." Keith looked up at him, "It's....because I was banished? Because I went against the rules all the time?" Keith's face had an expression saying, yeah-that's-kinda-true.

"Father doesn't really let me speak anyway, I think for that same reason, too. He's afraid I'll say something, probably what you would say. He just doesn't want me to be like you." Lotor pursed his lips.

"Yeah, I wish I didn't do that to you, though. I mean, I don't regret I went against the rules," Keith scoffed, "but I do regret how it affected you. However, speaking your mind and breaking the rules are two very different subjects. So, if you really had something important to tell Father, I think he'd be willing to listen." Keith bit the inside of his cheek. "But in the end, it's up to you." Keith closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'll do it."


Lance tip toed down the hallway, his bag in hand. Fortunately for him, Alfor forgot to lock his door the last time he went out. Unfortunately for Alfor, he wouldn't see his son in the morning...or for a while.

He went to the hangar, heading to one of their escape pods. He threw his bag in and let out a calm breath, climbing up inside. He looked back at the castle before starting up the pod. He brought his hands to the controls, hovering over them. Finally, he closed his eyes, let out another deep breath, and flew out; never looked back again.

Allura was awake, she left her room to get a glass of water. As she was heading back to her room, she noticed her brother's door slightly ajar. She frowned skeptically, "I thought his door was supposed to be locked?" The princess mumbled to herself. She pressed her ear to the door, knocking lightly, "Lance? Are you in here?" When she didn't get a response, she opened the door completely. Then she saw Lance's nightly attire on his bed. It was left in a, I'm-in-a-hurry sort of way. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously, and she went to his closet. His space suit was gone.

It hit her hard. She dropped her glass, shards shattering everywhere, and began to panic. Just as she was about to run to get her father, she saw a note on Lance's desk. She picked it up and began to read.

Dear Father, Coran, and Allura,

By the time you read this, I will already be long gone. I realized being a perfect, prestigious prince isn't me. That's Allura. Except she's a princess...
Anyway, I know the kingdom will be just fine without me. I never really even played a big part when I was there. I know it may sound selfish, I guess probably because it is. As a prince I couldn't be selfish so, this is fun.

But being selfish wasn't the reason why I wanted to leave. I guess if I hadn't met Keith, (Allura, you might know him as 'the Galra') then I wouldn't feel this way. But I have met Keith, and I have felt this way for a while. Keith and I have been talking every day since we met and I've never felt this happy. He just makes me feel so...free. And I want to go, to be free with Keith.

This isn't my place to say, but it must be said. Keith doesn't want to marry Allura for two reasons. One, Keith is gay. And two, Allura threatened to kill him on numerous occasions. He didn't feel safe; I don't even feel like he's safe. However, Keith felt he needed to marry her because that would have been the only way to end the war. I wish I could've said something sooner but Keith trusted me.....and I just realized I broke that trust by telling you all now. Well, you had to know the truth eventually. Also..this is in pen.

Maybe we'll meet again in the future. Hopefully war doesn't break out again.

Best of wishes,
Prince Lawrence

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