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Daniel: Fine its just we were fine until all of this happened we havent practiced or anything at all

Jack: ok daniel we understand but we are a family we take care of eachother

Zach: We are We Dont We

Corbyn: um Zach you kinda messed up on the name "We Dont We?"

Jonah: You had one job

Ashley: Corbyn can you call mom

Corbyn: why

Ashley: Tell her im coming back

Corbyn: what do you mean

Ashley: Im leaving

Jack: You cant leave me

Zach: You and Jack started dating today and now your leaving

Corbyn: Ashley think about this

Ashley: I did and im sorry Jack

Jack: um sorry isnt enough if your LEAVING

Brooklyn: Leaving?

Jonah: Ash can i talk to you

Ashley: sure why not

Jonah: We have been through so much you cant leave us now do you knownwhat that will do to Jack and Corbyn

Ashley: I think I could do worse if I were to stay

Jonah: I think thats a lie

Ashley: Look Jonah I literally stopped Corbyn from going to some shows because I tried to kill myself

Jonah: THATS WHY HE NEEDS YOU here with us

Ashley: FINE ill stay cause the end is close but not close enough for me to leave you guys

Ashley walked down the stairs Jack was gone

Ashley: Where did Jack go

Corbyn: I dont know

Ashley: Im staying I need to tell him

Corbyn: Well your too late

Daniel: He went to the Park

Ashley: Thank you Daniel

Ashley walked out of the house and saw Nessa

Ashley: What are you doing here

Nessa: I mean i got my revenge so im here to tell yall the news

Ashley: you arent going inside the house

Nessa pushed Ashley away from the door and walked in

Daniel: what are you doing here

Nessa: To talk to all of you

Jonah: Where is Jack

Nessa: My house

Ashley: Daniel let me talk to you outside

Daniel walked outside with Ashley

Ashley: Yoy know where the bitch lives right

Daniel: yeah

Ashley: Okay lets go

Ashley and Daniel drove to Nessas house

Ashley went inside the door was open


Daniel: Where are you


Ashley found him tied to a chair with bruises all over his face

Ashley: What the fuck happened to you

Jack: She wants fame

Ashley: All of this for FAME

Daniel: Huh she is a crazy bitch

Ashley: wow Daniel James Seavey finally solved the 3 piece puzzle

Daniel: Thanks

Ashley got Jack out of the chair butbheard a trigger being pulled

Nessa: ...

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