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hello Ashley Here so i'm kinda depressed right now and my brother is noticing but not that much but Daniel he has been keeping a close eye on me

Corbyn: Hey want to go out and eat?

Ashley: No im fine im not really hungry

Daniel: You have to eat you're eating for 3

Zach: Yourself, Brooklyn, and Grayson

Ashley: I know who I'm feeding

Daniel: Me and Ashley are going to Panda Express who want to come

Jonah: Me

Zach: Me

Jack: Me

Corbyn: Me but Ash can I talk to you

Ashley: Talk to me you get no food

Daniel: Ashley are you okay

Ashley: Can you not ask me that

Corbyn: Ash please we can get you help


Corbyn: Ashley please tell us whats happening

Ashley: Fine Im cutting my arms, not eating, and I want to die does that help

Daniel: What are you serious

Ashley: I'm going to my room

Corbyn: you're not going anywhere alone

Ashley: I thought you said you wont baby me

Corbyn: This is something else and if you keep this going your gooing back home with Jordyn and mom

Ashley: and with derek? for what so that he can rape me again

Daniel: Lets just calm down we have tour coming up and Ashley having her twins

Ashley: Great when is my due date

Zach: Next month

Jack: Lets order postmates and watch movies

Ashley: I'm going to my room

Daniel: Can I talk to you

Ashley: No

Daniel: Please

Ashley: Fine

Daniel: So your going to need help taking care of the babies

Ashley: Is everything about these things inside me

Daniel: Yes but soon that will change it will be about you and your children

Ashley: I dont want children yet I dont want to be here I dont want this

Daniel: Well you have this life now and you cant stop it

Ashley: I can if I wanted to

Daniel: I just want to let you know that your brother is hurtung hes worried 24/7 he cant remember lyrics to his own songs or choreography

Ashley: I would be better off dead

Daniel: Dont ever say that

Ashley: I can say what I want to say

Daniel: People love you

Ashley: No one does thats a big lie

Daniel: Me, Your Brothers, Your Mother, and The rest of the boys and fandom they all love you

Ashley: Im going to sleep daniel

Daniel: Good night I love you

Ashley: Luv you too

Ashley got the pills in her hand she was ready in the tub full of water she didnt want to kill the babies but she had to go now or never

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