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Daniel: Nessa? Is this true

Nessa: no are you crazy

Jack: I have proof

Jack showed all the boys and ash the video and there was Nessa holding the plug to Graysons breathing

Corbyn: out

Nessa: what


Ashley tried to hit Nessa but Jack grabbed her

Jonah grabbed Nessa and took her out of the house

Nessa: let me go Daniel help me

Daniel: you messed with my family.. take her outside

Nessa: you sons of bitches i will ruin all of you and those babies

Zach: crazy ass

Corbyn: why did we even let her stay at all

Daniel: maybe ask yourself that but with Ashley not Nessa

Ashley: Asshole

Daniel: Bitch

Ashley: Thats all you got

Daniel: Jack you shouldnt date a slut

Jack: why not you are dating one

Jonah: Daniel what has gotten into you

Daniel: Reality got into me

Corbyn: daniel shut up

Daniel: We are a BAND not a REALITY SHOW

Ashley: fine live your lives im leaving

Ashley: oh and daniel

Ashley slapped Daniel

Ashley: You are nothing to me

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