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Corbyn: call 911 call 911

Daniel was carrying Ashley trying to wake her up but she wouldnt move the paramedics came and took her to the hospital

Daniel: I should have stayed with her

Corbyn: Don't blame yourself this was her decision

Jack: She cut and then overdosed

Corbyn: Can I see her

Nurse: Yes and we are calling your mother

Corbyn walked in and saw her lifeless body he started crying and thinking of how he could have saved her from all of this

Corbyn: Ash I dont know if you can hear me but I need you to come back to me, our mom, our brother, the boys, and everyone else people love you and we need you back we need you here not in heaven here on earth with us

Daniel: Hey Corbyn we need to go and eat

Corbyn: I am staying with her here

Zach: Dude you need to take care of yourself thats what she would want

Ashley: Corbyn I need you to go and take care of yourself dont worry about me

Corbyn: ASH your here I need to stay with you I cant leave you

Ashley: Corbyn please go with your friends

Daniel: Come on bro

Corbyn: Please ash let me stay

Ashley: I will hurt myself more if I know that you are worrying to much

Zach: Lets go Corbyn

What have I done my babies are okay but Corbyn is not the boys are not okay I am better of dead I have to get these babies out before I do anything worse

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