chapter 7

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Celeste had sped all the way to Luciens kicking down the door. Lucien was sitting their and laughs lightly.

"Well if it isn't Celeste Mikelson" Lucien drawls

"Yes it is and I'm here to trade myself for Rebekah" Celeste says

"Ya ya why would I do that?" Lucien says

"Because I am married to a mikelson...and stronger than them" Celeste says smirking making Lucien smile darkly.

"Do we have a deal?" Celeste asks

"What else do you want Celeste" Lucien asks

"I want you to leave the mikelsons alone" Celeste says stubbornly

"Deal...I will leave them alone i can't say anything about fact im sure he is doing what he wants right now." Lucien says as he opens a door letting Rebekah go. She speeds out going to her brothers where chaos was happening.


Marcel had become an original as well and had bitten Kol and Elijah. Freya had been poisened. Rebekah had been put under for protection from a hex. And Klaus had been taken prisoner. Bonnie had done a spell to preserve all their bodies except Klaus. He would be the anchor for the others. Once Celeste got away from Lucien they would work on a way to find cures for everything and then rescue Klaus.

All of this had gone down and in the meantime. Celeste had agreed to give Lucien an heir. And to become his lover. She didn't want to be but it meant she would have freedom....and this way she could save her true love Kol. no matter what it took or how long it took.


Nine years later (All memory is slanted)

Celeste, Enzo and Bonnie had all figured out a way to kill Lucien and Marcel. They used a spell to do it. They rescued Klaus and killed all the vampires responsible for Klaus's torment and the reunion after they got Klaus back was not very pretty. And the nine years of torment Celeste went through was forever etched in her head and she hadn't told anyone about it.

"Hurry Bonnie use the spell!" Celeste yells as she keeps fighting Marcel.

"I Am trying" Bonnie says tears in her eyes she had been loosing her magic now a days and was trying her best to find it again expecially now.

"Give up Celeste pledge your loyalty to me and i wont kill you" Marcel says as he pins Celeste to the wall

"My loyalty is to my family" Celeste screams shoving marcel back. This was a hard fight for them both since they were both as powerful as each other.

"Which one?" Marcel sneers making Celeste frown

"Both of them" Celeste sneers speeding towards Marcel gasping as he shoves the same knife he used on Klaus in her. She gasps falling to the ground in pain.

"I can't kill you Celeste....i need you.....and the devil needs you" Marcel says

"NOOO" Bonnie screams and starts the spell Marcel gasps falling to the ground as Bonnie stalks over to him ripping his heart out. He falls to the ground and she smiles going Celeste taking the knife out. Celeste shoots up and scowls.

"Enzo where are you" Celeste asks

"I was busy fighting the other vamps" Enzo says as he walks over to them covered in blood.

"Whatever both of you stay here unless i call you i need you guys to watch my back" Celeste says speeding down to where they were keeping Klaus. Klaus was in somesort of trance and she curses she couldnt do this while he was in some trance.

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