Part 5

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Marcel laughs. "Wow, Klaus, the great King of New Orleans," Marcel slurs. "Marcellus, my son," Klaus says, smiling. "Why are you back here?" Marcel asks. "Because this is my city and I'm here to get it back," Klaus says. "Ha, no...the only way you're getting this city back is a fight...and I'm not fighting you," Marcel says, causing Celeste to scoff. "You're a coward...not fit to lead, if you won't accept a challenge," Celeste says, smirking. The whole family smiles at Celeste. She was a lot like Rebekah, with her snappy comments. She was also very stubborn, much like Katherine, who they had locked into Tomb where she belonged. "Who are you?" Marcel asks. "I am Celeste....Celeste Mikelson," she says, speeding towards him, pinning him to the wall. "You will either fight me or fight Klaus for this town. It's your choice," Celeste growls in his face. Marcel laughs. "If you fight me all the other vampires will attack you," Marcel says, causing Celeste to laugh. "And I will kill every. Last. one. Of. them, " Celeste says, as vampires attack her. She growls, ripping all of their hearts out. She was covered in blood. She walks over to Marcel again. "You ready to fight one of us or will you just give us our city back?" Celeste coos darkly. Marcel frowns. "I will fight you," Marcel says, shoving Celeste back, pinning her to the wall. She laughs. Klaus taught her this trick and taught her just how to get out of it. She slams her head against Marcel's and shoves him back and to the ground shoving her hand in his chest. "Give up," she whispers in his ear. Marcel gulps, "Take the city," he says, exasperated. Celeste smirks, pulling away from him, wiping the blood off her hand onto his shirt. She walks over to Kol, who was smirking at her. Marcel stand up, getting ready to charge at her, but she spins around sensing his actions. "If you do that, I will rip your head off your pathetic body," Celeste growls. "I wouldn't piss her off mate....she is stronger than us," Kol mutters, making Marcel flinch as he sped off. Celeste smiles. "Klaus, I present you, your city," Celeste drawls. "Now let's go inside," Celeste says to Klaus, who stood in shock. He didn't think Celeste was capable of being mean. Celeste rolls her eyes at Klaus, who had not yet spoken and snaps her fingers in his face. "EARTH TO KLAUS!" Celeste says, as Klaus snaps back to reality. She smiles. "Welcome back, sweet cake," She says, rolling her eyes, walking inside Klaus's home. Kol follows her, laughing as Klaus follows him angrily, as they all go inside. "I will show you our room," Kol says to Celeste, taking her hand, speeding her into their room.

Klaus sighs, glaring at the two. He looks at his sisters and Elijah. "Brother....are you alright?" Rebekah asks. "I am fine, Rebekah....I just need to go out," He says, speeding out going to work out his stress. The siblings sigh and go their rooms.


Lucien and Tristan went to their penthouse in New orleans and got everything set up in the house for their a few hours Lucien would go over to Klaus's and ask Rebekah out. When, and if, she said yes, he would convince her to love him. He would keep this going for a few months, then he would make her turn on her family so they all left her and thought she ran off. That or he would replace her with a body double. He goes to witch Valerie, that he was forcing to help him. "You need to make someone a body double for Rebekah," He says to her. "No," Valerie says, standing, shoving Lucien back with magic, and running out of the house. He curses and speeds after her, grabbing her. "I will let you go if you do that last task for me," Lucien says to Valerie, who sighs. "Fine," she grumbles and grabs a random blonde off the street. She drags her inside Lucien's home and makes her look just like Rebekah. She then makes her act just like her and remember everything like her. "There," she says, glaring at Lucien, who nods. "You're free to go," he says to Valerie. Valerie smiles and slaps Lucien for good measure and walks out, yelling "You're an ass!" to him as she left. He laughs and grabs the girl who looked like Rebekah and smiles at her. "You need to be turned...but if I do that, you won't be able to complete, without a great deal of pain happening...well to bad" He says and forces his blood down the girl's throat and snapping her neck. He smiles and calls his other witch, Alexis. "I need you to first give her some of your blood when she wakes, and I will need you to hold her mind open so I can make sure Valerie did her job and made her think she is Rebekah," Lucien says. "Alright," Alexis says, smiling as she does what she is told. As soon as the girl wakes up, the girl screams in pain, as her head is pried into. "Lucien why are you doing this? I will make sure Klaus kills you for this!" The girl yells, making Lucien smile. "Alexis enough....we were making sure you were okay....stay here," He says, compelling the girl. It only worked, thanks to Alexis, who made it possible for this girl to be compelled. "Her real name is Bella," Alexis says, smiling. "Thank you, go rest now," Lucien says, as Alexis complies and goes to lay down. Lucien takes the girl and places her in the extra room and locks her in there after he compelled her not to come out, until he told her to. He smiled to himself as he knew his plan was working.

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