Chapter 6

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Celeste had fallen asleep in the car due to the complete silence. Kol kept bugging Celeste wanting her to tell him if she was okay. Which she wasn't but she refused to talk about it.....she also refused to be weak. The children were beautiful and slept all the way back to New Orleans. Kol and Damon were both in the front while Celeste was leaning on Enzo's lap Hope in her arms while Nick was in Enzos. They were both passed out and both were turning slightly gray from lack of food. Kol sighs looking back at Celeste "she is starving" Kol says sighing "No shit Sherlock" Damon says rolling his eyes "Just shut up Damon we don't need a repeat of last month" Kol threatens as they pull into the driveway of the mansion. Klaus, Rebekah. Elijah. Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, and Freya all went outside running to the car. Kol gets out of the car gently shaking Celeste awake she sighs sitting up looking at Enzo who had woken up smiling at her. He hands the kids to Kol and gets out of the car. Damon sighs looking at Kol who motions for him to get Celeste. He nods speeding trying to help Celeste out but she growls at him "Don't" she snaps as she climbs out of the car and looks at Enzo who smirks at her and they speed off saying nothing. Kol curses and looks at everyone "They are going to eat" Kol says as he hands Klaus his kids smiling Klaus smiles "someone go after them also Kol what's their names" Klaus asks "Hope and Nick" Kol says " I will go get them...Stefan come with me" Damon says causing Rebekah to laugh "i don't think she wants to see you Damon" Rebekah says smirking "that's why I'm going after her Rebekah...she won't come back willingly because of the I'm going to go get her and Enzo because if we don't lock both her and Enzo up they will end up hurting other people and themselves" Damon says causing everyone to sigh they all agreed. They needed to keep her safe and ween her so to speak onto blood. Damon and Stefan follow Celeste's scent to the bar where they saw her and Enzo drinking people dry. The speed in snapping both their necks. Damon smiles picking Celeste up as Stefan picks Enzo up. "Let's go," Damon says speeding back to Klaus's house. They were all in the house when they arrived Damon smirks "We are taking both Enzo and Celeste with us for a while we will return them when they are ready" Stefan says "hell to the no we just got her back!" Kol yells "Kol maybe it's for the best," Klaus says he didn't want Celeste around the kids while she was craving blood. "Klaus she had been gone for nine months!" Kol yells tears brimming in his eyes but he holds them back. Celeste and Enzo both wake up gasping Celeste growls speeding out of Damon's arms while Enzo gets away from Stefan "I SAID NOT TO TOUCH ME" Celeste screams trying to speed towards Damon but Enzo grabs her pushing in on her neck softly "Not yet luv" Enzo whispers low enough just for her to hear. She sighs calming down. Enzo had learned how to calm her down through the last nine months. Damon looks at Elijah who had two syringes full of vervain in his pocket he sighs "It's for the best" Kol says looking down Elijah nods and speeds to Celeste and Enzo injecting them with vervain they both gasp in pain and collapse to the floor.

"I can't believe we are letting them do this what if they hurt her Klaus," Kol says "THey won't Kol you are going with them" Klaus says "And what about her kids huh" Kol says "THey are my kids to Kol I can watch them for the next few weeks. She is strong she won't need this that long" Klaus says to Kol who nod "I guess so" Kol says as he leaves following Damon and Stefan to the Salvatore house. Elena had already left to go home to Jeremy.


Damon had locked both Celeste and Enzo in vervain cells. He didn't like to hurt them but he knew they both wanted to kill him and he wouldn't let that happen. Celeste woke up laughing "Damon I suggest you let us out of here or we will kill you" Celeste growls looking over at Enzo who was next to her tied up she glares at Damon and goes to untie Enzo growling as she touches the ropes and they burned was coated in Wolfsbane and vervain. She growls ripping it off and waking Enzo. Enzo growls speeding towards the door "Damon let me out of here " Enzo says as Kol appears snapping Damon's neck and letting Enxo and Celeste out "Go and drink but control yourselves once you have your fill" Kol says making both Celeste and Enzo smirk. Celeste kisses Kol hard "I will be back in the meantime torture Damon for us," Celeste says laughing as Enzo and her speed off to drink. Kol sighs and grabs Damon speeding him to his car injecting him with vervain so he wouldn't wake up until they got to New Orleans again.

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