All the King's Men

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The winds howled above us all night but we fared well because of our makeshift tent against the rock face. By the time morning came the sky was no longer a raging beast but clear. The light was just beginning to turn it a light purple.

I was about to wake my companions when a thought crossed my mind. I still owed Kaden a rude awakening and John a smoke bomb...

I smiled. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

I moved silently and raided John's travel sack. As predicted it was lined with various chemicals and inventions. I grabbed hold of what looked like devil's sneeze and pulled the tent flap back. I pulled it to the side to give me a shot, then without delay I launched it into the tent with the sleeping men.

Nothing happened.

I sighed loudly. Of course it was just my luck to get the dud–

"FIRE!" Kaden roared.

"By the gods! Kaden don't just sit there, man!" I heard John shout as he batted the flames in front of him. Kaden smacked his head against one of the tent branches and the entire structure all but collapsed.

Within the next few seconds smoke began pouring out of the tent flap and I lost the ability to stand. I was crying with laughter. When Kaden and John finally emerged with black faces it only pushed me further into hysterics.

They glared a thousand deaths at me whilst patting their leathers of embers.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that could have been?!" John demanded in a shout.

"I didn't–have any idea how funny that would be." I got out through giggles.

Kaden crossed his colossal arms. "I threw water over you, not fire." He growled.

I sobered up a little and sat up to look at them properly. "Gents. In my defence, I had no idea that was a fireball. I just thought I'd thrown some devil's sneeze in there." I told them.

God I can't believe that sentence just made sense...

They looked at each other before John rolled his eyes and stormed back towards the smoking tent and Kaden cracked his knuckles threateningly. If we weren't as thick as thieves he would have taken the life out of me with his bare hands. 

"I was having a good sleep too." He grumbled as he went over to the charred campfire and plucked off some of last night's meat from the skewer. We always left meat like this so that the smoke could rise into it over night. It dried it out, kept the animals away and preserved for days.

I rolled my shoulders and got to my feet.

"In all seriousness we need to be moving soon." I told him. "The sun will be up in less than an hour."

He nodded acceptance as he chewed. "I think–"

I froze and silenced him with a hand. His eyes widened slightly and he halted his chew. There was something in the distance, a sound... thump, thump, beat, beat–

"Horses." I stated.

Kaden shot to his feet then and ran into the tent to warn John. I was already gathering my long bow and crossbow and stowing them on Parsnip's saddle hook. They had to be from the town. Who else would come into the middle of a forest with what sounded like well over twenty horses.

John and Kaden both deconstructed the tent swiftly, packing as they moved. I doused the fire and collected our food into my travel sack. The horses sensed the tension and began tossing their heads in anticipation. Thank god everyone was well rested...

I heard the distant pounding of many horses much louder now and I'd have to correct my guess to around thirty now. How desperate were these people?

When we were all seated in our saddles I wordlessly pointed our direction and we all slipped into single files as we kept to the trees and navigated in the opposite direction of the noise. We trotted for a few minutes before the sound was unmistakable. It was as if--

"Tayah! Look, the sigils!" Kaden called to me from behind.

We were high enough up the hill now to look down on the approaching troop through the trees. I just hoped to anyone that would listen that they didn't see us. But my eyes caught what my friends saw...

Royal sigils... not just any but–

"The bloody treasury!" John said in disbelief. "That's no angry town, that's this years taxes from the North!" John said, practically drooling at the mouth now.

Close to thirty heavily armoured riders were escorting three Wooden and metal carriages at a speed just faster than a walk. We all looked at each other hungrily. I knew that we all had the same thoughts without even being able to stop ourselves.

"I'm not even going to bother being the responsible adult here." I stated.

"You know what even a handful of gold in those carriages would do." John pitched in.

"Their speed isn't hurried, they believe they are safe with their numbers." Kaden join in with a thoughtful expression.

I clicked my tongue. "Then I think we all know what needs to be done here boys." I smirked at them and they returned it wickedly.

"We're going to need a damn lot more than devil's sneeze for this." I chuckled.

"Oh, that's only the beginning of what I can do." John promised.

"Then we wait for them to make camp. Vayleron is still leagues from here so I would give them four days ride until they are out of our reach." I said, watching the shining knights sit proudly on their mounts below.

"Our obvious enemy is their numbers and armour. Even your crossbow will be useless against plate armour." Kaden grunted in disappointment. 

"But it's not like we could slay them all hand to hand, Kaden... I'm sure you'd attempt it but I value life." John snorted.

"As I say..." I said slowly, gaining both of their attention. "We wait for them to make camp which could be anytime in the day or evening. Horses will not last forever tugging those loads."

"Then what's the plan? They'll fortify their camp just as well as they protect those carriages." John reasoned.

"And what if they didn't see three unidentified mercenaries." I said with a smile. "What if they saw three plated pikemen with royal sigils?"

"And how the hell do you suggest we get these disguises?" Kaden huffed. "They're not exactly leaving any openings."

"Patience, my overly zealous friend. Remember the task isn't getting in it's–"

"Getting out.The men chorused together with an eye roll. I grinned at them.

"Well, let's keep up then." I said, kicking Parsnip closer towards new riches.

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