He ends the call. My eyes move to him as he takes a deep breath and slides his phone back into his jeans pocket.

"Your daughter I presume?" I ask, raising a single brow.

"Yes." He moves to me quickly. I tilt my head back to look up at him, his hand finding my chin before he places a soft kiss on my lips. "I'll call you later when I get time."

"If you get time," Allison mutters.

Luca looks at her and straightens up. I get to my feet and push Luca away from the living room. "Ignore her," I tell him while scowling down at Allison.

"You need to teach your daughter not to use technology at her age like we were!" Allison calls to us.

"She's actually using my father's phone if you must know," Luca explains plainly. "She is being raised the exact same way we all were despite all the privileges at her disposal."

"I told her to stop and I'm doing the same to you," I say loudly and firmly to get them to stop.

For all I'm happy that Luca has brought Allison to New York to keep me company, I knew it would be too much to ask for for the two of them to get along for me. It wasn't easy the first time around and I knew deep down that it would be even harder this time around after all that's happened. I just wish that they would act civil around me instead of taking unnecessary swings at each other.

"You two need to at least get on for my sake." I open the suite door and let Luca step past me out into the hallway. "Please be civil when you're around me."

"Allison and civil in the same sentence? Is it April fools?"

I gasp and shove Luca out of arms reach. "Goodbye, Luca."

Allison's arm is linked with mine as we make our way out the hotel two hours after Luca had left. It's nearing one o'clock and as Luca had told me on the yacht, Jones will be the one in charge of making sure I'm safe. I'm not too sure if that includes Allison because, at the time, he said it was for me. Although, I don't think Allison will care because she will be milking this for all it's worth.

"Afternoon, ladies." Jones greets. He opens the back passenger door for us. "Where to?"

I allow Allison to get in the car first and look round to see if there is anyone listening in to what I'm about to say to Jones. "Somewhere we can talk without being stared at."

"I know just the place."

I get the car and the door closes over.

"The perks of having a rich boyfriend," Allison mentions with a sly smirk.

I look at her while putting my seatbelt on. "Don't get too used to it."

"Hey, I'm just taking what I'm owed from this relationship of yours." She stops speaking as Jones gets back into the car and starts the engine. "Plus, it's the least I'm owed after being the main caregiver who helped you get over him in the first place."

"Try saying that one to Luca and see where it gets you."

"I will," Allison nods as Jones begins to merge the car into traffic.

We stay silent for a little bit, Jones deciding to do his usual thing and forgo the typical thing of putting a radio on for some background noise. It's not until after Allison has sent her umpteenth text to none other than Greg, that she clears her throat and breaks the silence.

"I see you and Luca have sorted things out," Allison speaks up.

I look at her but she's looking out the window and the passing people and buildings, anywhere and everywhere other than at me. I look down at my fingers that have been twiddling about with the strap of my bag since we got in the car. "We talked. Twice to be exact."

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