⇝ your death [losers club]

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[saddle up kids it's gonna be long and sad]



bill is absolutely, utterly devastated. he promised himself that after georgie, he wouldn't lose someone else he loves; he basically blames himself, wondering if there was anything else he could've done to save you.

 he promised himself that after georgie, he wouldn't lose someone else he loves; he basically blames himself, wondering if there was anything else he could've done to save you

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he locks himself in his room and doesn't come out for days, barely even eats or drinks... he's slowly killing himself. when he goes to school he just stares off into space, not paying attention at all and his grades start failing. he stops talking overall, doesn't utter a word and he often has to be brought out of his headspace just to understand what's going on.

 he stops talking overall, doesn't utter a word and he often has to be brought out of his headspace just to understand what's going on

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doesn't ask for or accept anyone's help. he really doesn't care about life anymore. stops all contact with the losers despite their attempts to call or help him. he often h\][as nightmares and hallucinations about you, afterwards not being able to sleep for days.

 he often h\][as nightmares and hallucinations about you, afterwards not being able to sleep for days

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he's there... but... barely.



turns to nearly two packs a day when it comes to smoking, even turns to hard drugs in order to get you out of her mind; it always works, so she's constantly chasing the high.

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