⇝ dating them would include [cast]

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- falling off his skateboard
- tying balloons in his trailer
- visiting him on set all the time
- study dates
- lots of anime nights


- doing things to annoy each other
- some PDA
- low-key constantly proud of each other for no reason
- watching her short films to make her cringe
- staying inside a lot


- making tiny movies
- lots of PDA
- holding hands
- taking instagram pictures
- "hacking" his snap while he's away
- watching stranger things over and over


- making tiny movies
- him making random noises to scare you
- lots of tom-foolery
- stealing his beanies
- sterotypical couple photos
- always cuddling in a bed
- seriously, he will jump on you any chance he gets


- tugging on the noodle hair
- interrupting his live-streams
- constant gaming
- getting to competitive
- watching cringy movies and laughing at them

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