Day Trip

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Abigail's POV:

'Morning' I shouted as I pulled the curtains open, this was when everyone started moaning at me I was in a good mood as today we were going out shopping and I really couldn't wait I had a load of money to spend today and today I was going for a meal with Michael this evening I was so excited I need to get a new outfit.


'WE ARE GOING SHOPPPING TODAY' I replied seeming excited

"Woo shopping" All the lads reply


"no you are not" Michael replies.

"I am so, anyhow I am going to get ready"

I walked upstairs, and turned on the shower, whilst I was waiting for it to heat up I ran into my bedroom opened my wardrobe door and pulled out a pair of clear tights and a blue flowery dress which I would wear with brown shoes to go shopping in. I then went and showered, when I got out the shower I got dried then put my outfit for today on.

I ran downstairs and got breakfast for everyone, whilst I had been in the shower the lads must have been in the downstairs shower as they were all ready.

I ran upstairs and grabbed all my money,

"We ready to go then?" I asked everyone

"Yeaah I suppose" They all shouted back

We walked out my door and all hopped into Ashton's car, and we headed towards town. When we arrived we found a parking space and got out the car.

I guided everyone towards Topshop which I had seen a really nice skirt last week, we walked in, there it was, it was so pretty and was only £25.99 so I picked one up, I seen a pretty black top which would go so well with the skirt it was only £15.99 so I went to the checkout and payed for my items.

Michaels POV:

Abigail has dragged us shopping very early, however I didn't really mind.

She looked so pretty today dressed casually, in a blue dress with small flowers on it wearing clear tights and little brown pumps, her hair was curled, but she had brushed it through and it looked so nice, I couldn't wait to take her out tonight, I need to buy her something I seen her looking at a dress in the window of Top shop it was Black, with a few dimonties around the waist and it was rather simple but it would look so good on her, I had saw some nice shoes which would go nice from schuh they were black and were covered in gems they would go lovely with that dress.

When Abigail was going into river island, I said I was going to the toilet, and I walked to top shop and bought the dress and then went to schuh and bought the shoes for her, I had seen some really nice accessories in topshop aswell so I bought them. I had spent about £85 on Abigail now but wanted something else, I seen she has a Pandora braclet and tonight I am asking her out I might buy her a charm which will remind her of me and the day I asked her out.

I entered the Pandora shop and seen a charm with a 'M' on which was really nice and there was a 'A' so I bought both of them that came to £60.

I needed to hide the bags so I went and bought a new hoody from JD, and asked for a bigger bag, and I put all the other bags in there.

Abigail's POV:

Where has Michael gone? I asked the others

he said he was going to the toilet they replied.

just then I seen him out of the corner of my eye.

"Where have you been then?" I asked him

"Just went to the toilet and went and bought a new hoody from JD" he replied

"Okaay" I laugh at him

"I need to find something to wear for tonight" He says to me

"Yeah same" I reply

"Can we walk to top man" Michael asked me

"Yeah of course" I reply and the others tag along

Michael's POV:

SHIT! Abigail Is going to buy something to wear.

We walk into top man, I had seen a nice pair of Jeans in here the other week and I was going to buy them to wear tonight, I went and grabbed them in my size and went to the checkout and paid for them.

As I was walking out I seen Abigail looking at another dress this one was more like a party dress and it was a peachy colour and and flowers on a lace on the top half, it was nice but I liked the one I had bought her.

Abigail's POV:

"What do you think of this for tonight cal?"  I ask pointing to a peach dress with lace at the top but with wholes in the lace to make it look like follows

"That really nice might be a bit dressy god knows where he is taking you" Cal says laughing

"Yeah maybe, Omg have you seen that top its beautiful" I say to Cal

It was a white chiffon top, it was so nice I could wear it with a pair of Jeans, oh them black skinnys over there would look nice with it, and I could wear my Doc's with it, The top was  £30 so I picked it up and bought it.

I was in love with it

"I am bored can we go back to mine now?" I ask it was now about half 2

"Yeah" we then left and went back to mine.

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