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The next morning when I woke up I remembered I was spending that night with Michael there was so much going through my mind, What was I going to wear, what was going to be said what was going to happen?

I got up and sorted out what I was going to wear, I didn’t want to get dressed up so I just put on some leggings and a top just so I looked like I had put a little effort in just not a lot.

Later on Michael text me saying “Hey Abbie, cant wait for tonight” I didn’t reply to this because I didn’t want him to know I was to excited about going to meet him! 

At about 3pm Michael text me again saying “ How do you feel about coming to mine now? Fancy stopping the night, I have a free house” I couldn’t ask my mam she would never let me! So I asked her if I could stay at Becky’s and she said yeah, so I text Michael back saying 

“Hey, Yeah I can come whenever and I can stop I told her I am staying at becky’s”

He then replied “Okay ahah, I will head over now and get you have your stuff ready” 

I hurried to have my things together, but I was only half way though packing my bag, making sure I had packed protection in case things went a little to far, I don’t think they will but I never know. There was a knock on the door  the sound of the knock echoed through my silent house, my mam answered the door and I heard Michael say “ Hey there is Abigail in?” 

My mam shouted on me and when I shouted back she said “Yeah she is in”. Two seconds after this my mam texts me saying “OMG Abigail get stuck in there lass he is so hot and omg take protection when your with him mind, and don’t come back pregnant” 

I replied “ Mam why you so embarrassing I’m not going to be doing anything.TRUST”

Michael said hello as he entered my room I was just getting my last things together, as I was ready to leave he said “I have some snacks but do you have AFC’s number we can order” I replied “Yeah I will grab the menu”

I said goodbye to my mam and we left.

As we approached his house we where giggling and flirting on, I wondered what did he like about me? So I asked him

 he replied “ Your just so sweet and so down to earth, your pretty your personality is beautiful your just so amazing”

 I smiled and I knew I would never forget this. He unlocked his door and we entered I placed down my bag and I told him I had brought some twirls for us and he was like omg can I have mine now I was like yeah just go get them out my bag I want mine actually, so he went in my bag and got them but he brought back the protection I had packed earlier asking why I had brought it with me I replied, embarrassed a little “My mam made me omg” he just laughed and put it back in my bag. 

About a hour later Michael brought up finding the condoms again, he kept telling me he wasn’t the type to just have sex with people and leave them, his opinion on this was strange he told me if we were ever to start dating and have a sexual relationship he would have to be the one to supply the contraception, as he thinks it is the boys job to do this.

Michaels POV:

Abigail looked so pretty in her leggings and her top but I could tell she hadn’t wanted to dress up to much, I am so glad she came comfortable and casual she looked so attractive sitting on my sofa I had dreamt about having her over for ages I cant believe I have actually managed to find a girl so pretty, caring and loving.

Abigail had bought us some twirls, how did she know this was my favourite chocolate??

However when I was going through her bag to find them I came across some condoms I didn’t know why she had brought them with her maybe she wants me, what would I do maybe she is not a virgin it will be so awkward if she isn’t as I am and what if she compares this to the last person she slept with, should I tell her? Or should I wait a while? 

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