Enigmatic Torture

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Entity - existance

I am there,
Within the glass, shattered.

Shards burrowed into the flesh of life,
forced to swallow chunks of flesh and gulp down your pride.

The glass particles spread across the floor like star constellations, but they hurt.

You want to be right, so you bear the burden of walking across the transparent fragments,
the blood trails and drips, and trickles down.

It drives itself deeper,
barely scratching the surface of your bones - reshaping itself within the thin layer of skin, but instead of concealing it's grotesque nature, it protrudes, and demands to be seen.

And now you reflect the fragments that have imbedded into you, now you, a grandeur of enhanced impersonation - a pseudo siren who holds no allure.

Cry as you may, but,
for once,
seek solace in your own travesty.

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