Setting Reminders

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~Third Person~

Jack looked at Y/n with wide eyes. "Um..." he said, chuckling.

"Did Mark just leave us here?" Y/n asked, checking the door.

"It looks like it," Jack spoke right before shouting not too loudly in case Mark was outside the door, "Mark! Are you still there?"

There was no answer, but quiet chortles could be heard from downstairs.

"Goddammit, Mark." Jack shook his head, pressing his weight onto the door.

Y/n decided to help, using all of her weight to push on the closet door. There was a rumbling sound from outside the door and suddenly Y/n and Jack both fell, sprawling onto the floor. A chair lied down beside the closet door, it looked like it had been knocked over... by the door.

"Looks like we weren't locked in here after all," Y/n laughed, causing Jack to laugh as well. "But look what I still haaaaaave!" As Y/n's grin widened, she pulled Mark's phone from her pocket and dangled it in front of her. "What shall we do with such a strange device?"

Jack bit his lip in thought, bringing his pointer finger up to his cheek and tapping it slowly, a devilish grin sneaking its way onto his face. "Give it here for a second," He turned it on and held the home button firmly.

"Hello, Mark-ee-plear." Siri's voice echoed, pronouncing Mark's screen name incorrectly.

"Set a reminder for two-o-clock am." Jack giggled.

"What would you like this reminder to be for?" Siri questioned.

"Read some Septiplier fanfictions." Y/n spoke, stiffening a laugh.

"Reminder set for two-o-clock am for 'read some Septiplier fanfictions'," Siri said, the reminder being officially set.

"Siri set a reminder for two-o-five am to write some Crankiplier fanfictions." Y/n spoke.

"Set a reminder for two-ten am to look up pictures of Jacksepticeye." Jack squeaked.

About ten minutes later, Jack and Y/n had set twenty-four reminders of various things relating to Mark being shipped with other people.

"Set a reminder for four am to stop setting reminders." Y/n laughed. "I want Mark to think that there are no more reminders, a surprise one will happen at four."

Jack shook his head and smiled, "Ready to head downstairs?".

"Sure am!" Y/n smiled as they headed down the stairs to continue to watch the movie with the rest of the group.

As they sat down in the places they'd been seated in before, Mark gave them both questionable looks.

"What were you guys doing up there, did you get lost?" he joked.

"No, we were going through your underwear droor and Mark-" Y/n looked like she had found out a dirty secret. "I didn't know you wore panties!"

Everybody burst out laughing.

"Hah, jokes on you because I don't keep my underwear in a droor!" Mark yelled, laughing too.

The room went silent, but then everybody burst into laughter again. Y/n looked over at Jack, who noticed her gaze an winked at her.

Y/n's heart fluttered, she loved being around her friends so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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