Stealing Cellular Devices

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"Hmm!" Jack said, a miniature grin sneaking across his face. (Someone knows how to use a Thesaurus... XD)

"Uh-erm-I was-AHHH!" Y/n stuttered, looking desperately around the room.

"You told me earlier that you had to find pictures of all of us for a mini project you were working on, remember?" Ethan spoke up, trying to help Y/n cover up.

"Y-yeah! I was trying to say that, I just-" Y/n grinned nervously.

"Well okay then..." Jack spoke, rolling his eyes jokingly and chuckling.

Y/n breathed a deep sigh of relief and looked over at Ethan with eyes that held so much thankfulness. Its almost as if he could see that she was so relived, so he nodded and smiled in the "I got your back" kind of way. Y/n settled back into her comfortable position and continued to watch the movie when suddenly, she noticed that Mark's phone was placed ever so nicely on the armrest of the couch him and Jack were sharing.

A wicked idea creeped its way into Y/n's brain; "I can make it seem like Mark does the same thing... the Septiplier fangirls would go crazy..." She slowly reached up and settled her hand on Mark's phone. She slid her arm back and just as she was about to turn it on and frame Mark for browsing pictures of Jack, Mark noticed what Y/n was doing.

"Hey! Y/n, why do you have my phone?" Mark smiled.

"Uh..." Y/n blanked out, looking at Ethan once again for help in which Ethan shrugged and whispered,

"You're on your own for this one."

"I totally wasn't trying to frame you for doing the same thing I did..." Y/n flicked her eyes back and forth, giggling a bit. (Good job, Y/n.)

"Can I have it back, please?" Mark asked politely.

"You'll have to come and get it!" Y/n grinned, hopping up onto her feet and running a little, but not too far away before she looked back to check if Mark was following her. He was.

Y/n waved the phone in a taunting manor, extending her arm out so the phone was in Mark's grasp. Mark swatted at his phone, attempting to get it but Y/n took off running up the stairs.

"Y/N!!!" Mark shouted as she reached the top of the stairs. Mark sighed as he stood up from his seat. "Guys, I'm gonna go find Y/n and get my phone."

As they heard Mark get to the top of the stairs, Felix spoke. "Finally, we have quiet to watch the movie" he joked.

~Mark's P.O.V~

As I got to the top of the stairs, all I saw were Y/n's brightly coloured Christmas socks zoom past me and up the staircase that lead to the top floor.

"Y/n! Slow down!" I called out to her in which all I heard were some muffled giggles in exchange.

Peachy. I grinned anyways, because I really couldn't be mad. It was nice getting to hang out with Y/n because her and I don't really get to hang out anymore except at conventions and colabs. I started up the second staircase that had a white balcony at the top, allowing plenty of room for a grand entrance when we had other guests. As my eyes grazed upon the intricate design of the balcony, I noticed that Y/n was leaning over the edge, her arm outstretched.

Grasped in her touch was my phone, Y/n was holding onto it with two fingers; her pointer on the top of the screen and her thumb on the outfacing camera lens. She was dangling it over the balcony, threatening to drop it and watch it shatter as it smashes against the floor.

"Y/n..." I spoke in which again, Y/n just tittered and hopped away, sliding down the hallway.

Jack soon came upstairs and looked around a bit. "Where's Y/n?" he asked cheerfully.

All I did was point to the stairs and rolled my eyes. Jack then looked where I was pointing, waved, then bounded up the stairs to find Y/n. It seemed like he was on my team.

~Jack's P.O.V~

I was trying to make Mark think that I was helping him, when really I was going to help Y/n. As I got up the stairs, I saw Y/n standing behind a door to one of the guest rooms... staring at me. A confused look slid onto her face.

"I'm here to help you." I mouthed, so Mark wouldn't hear.

Y/n nodded in reply and motioned for me to come towards her. I did, but she suddenly pulled me by my shirt into a closet.

"We have to stay in here, Mark won't be able to find us," she whispered. "At least not quickly." She then turned on Mark's phone and flicked to the camera without unlocking it. "Photo shoot?"

"Um, hell yeah!" I smiled as Y/n posed with the phone in front of the both of us.

Twenty or so pictures later, we heard Mark's footsteps. He was coming up the stairs to come and find us. I could hear Y/n giggling, an evil giggle that frightened me just a little.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?!" Mark shouted, causing Y/n to flip her shit and start laughing. "I can hear you, you know."


"I'M NAKED IN SPAAAACE!" I continued the song, making Y/n grin even wider.

There was a muffled yell from Felix who yelled from downstairs, "HEY! THAT'S MY SONG!"

Y/n and I looked at each other and then immediately yelled in unison... "JUST KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU ANYWAY! ANYWAY!"

Mark then had found where we were and was tugging on the door handle. "It won't open."

"HUH?!" Y/n shouted, worry lacing her tone.

"Looks like I'll just have to leave you guys here." Mark said in a joking tone, but then we heard him put something on the door handles. Shortly after, we heard his footsteps... walking back downstairs.

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