Chapter 40: Angelique and her secret

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Jayden's POV

I am beyond ecstatic that I found a job and it's thanks to my favorite professor. He knows one of the directors at Mech Inc. which is a big company that does contract work.

I can't wait to start, It's a great opportunity to finally get to do something I've always wanted and with pay too. Can't beat that.

Angelique wanted to stay at the house for the weekend since she hasn't been feeling good lately. She said she'd want to stay close to a doctor incase it's something deadly. What a drama queen.

'So you trust Mark to be your doctor and fix whatever ails you?' I asked her dubiously.

'No, I mean Alex. I know he'll come running if you call him for me in case I'm deathly ill,' clarifying my question.

'That makes more sense.' I said. Lately, I've noticed she's looking pale. Now that she's graduated also, she should be looking more alive since she's less busy but she looks like a welted cabbage half the time. I hope she's not really sick.

I usually sleep late on weekends but I got woken up early this morning after hearing noises coming from the bathroom, sounds like someone is puking their brains out.

I ran to see who's dying and Angelique is hugging the toilet bowl, dry heaving. Poor thing, her hair is all over the place. I took a rubber band and tied her hair and patted her back.

'What is wrong, do you have the flu?' I asked with concern.

'No, I don't think so, It just came on all of a sudden' getting up from the bowl and heading to the sink.

I help her get cleaned up and told her to go back to sleep if she's not feeling good. She was feeling better later that afternoon, she has more color on her cheeks.

We were all hanging out in the living room after dinner. The boys were in front of the TV and I was helping my mom in the kitchen.

After we finished cleaning I went up to my room to use the bathroom. I accidentally knocked Angelique's lipstick down into the trash can.

As I fetched her favorite lipstick, I noticed a flat oblong white plastic tube. I was curious since I've never seen one like it before in my house.

Wait, it looks like a pregnancy stick. Like what I've seen in the TV or the supermarket. It has two red lines.

Holy guacamole. Does this mean Angelique's pregnant? I started to get excited. I ran downstairs to ask her.

Alex saw me first, 'Babe, what is that in your hand? Is that what I think it is? That better not be yours,' he asked with hands on his hips. Is he kidding? We're barely out of second base and he's asking me if it's mine? Is he spoiling for a fight?

'Don't be stupid, Alex. Of course it's not mine.' I told him, pointedly looking at Angelique. She wasn't saying anything.

'Angelique, is this yours?' Mark asked.

'I..I..., yes. I'm sorry.' She turned away and ran upstairs so fast that everyone just stood there quietly.

Wait, what? Her and Mark. When? Where? How? How come I didn't know about it and she's pregnant with his child? Wow, this is big. Me and Alex just looked at each other and looked at Mark.

Mark woke up from his trance and went after Angelique. They were gone for a while and we couldn't hear anything from downstairs. I'm hoping that it's a good sign that no one is yelling or getting slammed.

They eventually came down with Mark holding on to Angelique's hand, treating her like a fragile porcelain.

'Guys, Angelique is really pregnant and I'm the father. And we've decided to keep the baby,' Mark shared his good news with us. He has a goofy smile in his face.

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